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SD3 Presets/Reverb

Requests and Feedback
  • WarBeer

    I moved up to SD3 a few weeks ago and I’m certainly glad I did! Couple suggestions I will make. (think I remember some others saying this as well…but I figure the more that comment…the better chance to get results;)

    #1-It really does feel like a lot of the EZD2 presets were really cool right out of the box…where with SD3, I find that all most all of them need

    some tweaking. (some an awful lot)…this isn’t that big of a deal…but it would be nice.


    #2-The Reverbs aren’t very good…in fact the “Room Reverb” is just about unusable. Which IS a big deal. I’ve been using other plugins for my room verb, but that takes away a lot of the control unless you want to bounce tracks…which again, defeats the software a bit. The Room Reverb cuts off in an odd way…like a gate…but always abruptly. It just doesn’t feel real, nor sound good. It really puts things WAY back in the mix…even if you’re only using a very small amount. PLEASE fix this issue. Your product is just too darn good to be lacking in something so vital.

    Keep up the great work!


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  • Olof


    About the Room Reverb, could you maybe upload some small examples that show the issue(s) you are describing? For example a SD3 project file and/or bounced audio.

    What plug-ins do you otherwise use (and like) for room reverb?

    Olof Hermansson - Toontrack

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