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SD3 Library Install Problem Mac Pro

Product Manager
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  • Olof


    You are mixing up the terms ‘download’ and ‘install’ a bit. First you download to a download location and when the download has finished, you can install, and the installer will ask where you want to install the library.

    Open Preferences in Product Manager to change the download location. A suitable name for such a folder is “Toontrack Downloads” (and you should not INSTALL anything into the same folder). Then, in the Preferences window, it’s important that you use the “Move Downloads” function/button with the checkbox for “Paused downloads” ticked, in order to change the download location for downloads that you have attempted to start, those that were stopped because of not enough disk space. Then resume the downloads.

    Olof Hermansson - Toontrack

    Scott Eshleman

    As confusing as it might seem, the folder used by the Product Manager to store installation file downloads
    and the location to which a product is installed are typically different locations.

    On a Windows PC, the location to which the Toontrack Product Manager will download installation files
    is configured under “Tools > Options”.
    On a MAC, I believe that the location to which the Toontrack Product Manager will download installation files
    is configured under the “Preferences” menu.

    The location to which a product is installed can usually be chosen during the actual installation process,
    not during the download process.

    Edit: It appears that Olof posted his response whilst I was still typing mine.



    my problem is, I have enought space on my Mac hard drive, I also have enought space on my external ssd. But now, toon track SD3 product manager won’t let me dowload anything saying that there is not enought disk space. It also says that nothing is installed, althout I have already downloaded and installed part 1, 2 and 3.

    Do you have an explanation ?


    It’s driving me crazy. I have 130gb of free disk space on my mac mini, and the download manager continue to say there is not enough disk space for downloading part 4, which is 50gb.

    Is it normal that there is not any groove, once you have installed sd 3 and the basic sound library ?

    I am starting to think I made a bad choice


    Could yo

    • This post was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by ricopolo.
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