SD3 install hiccup installing basic library…when it starts with the sound installer the windows too small to click install..

Product Manager
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  • John Boersma

    The same thing happened to me. I just reset my screen resolution to a lower level and restarted the computer. The install box then showed completely so I could complete the installation. The same thing is happening with the installs for the other parts.

    To clarify what worked for me – just changing the screen resolution and trying again didn’t work. I had to change the resolution and then restart the computer for the install to work.

    Martin Bowling

    Copy that! I’ll give that a go eh..


    This should be fixed now – just restart Product Manager.

    Olof Hermansson - Toontrack

    Martin Bowling

    Yea all good thanks so much!


    Toontrack Installation Solution for SDX Installer on 4k Displays:

    Right-click the Program icon, choose Properties, then click the Compability tab and set “Override high DPI scaling behavior” to “System”.

    This works. Remember to do this for example on the SDX Sound Installer window when it opens too small on a 4k screen. Select the properties dialog from this window’s icon in the taskbar window when it appears.

    • This post was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by klebtoons.

    Toontrack Installation Solution for SDX Installer on 4k Displays:

    Right-click the Program icon, choose Properties, then click the Compability tab and set “Override high DPI scaling behavior” to “System”.

    This works. Remember to do this for example on the SDX Sound Installer window when it opens too small on a 4k screen. Select the properties dialog from this window’s icon in the taskbar window when it appears.

    • This post was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by klebtoons.

    That might be the solution if starting an old installer directly from Explorer. If you start installations from the Product Manager, newer installers will be used that should work fine on 4k displays.

    Olof Hermansson - Toontrack



    Googling this issue lead me to this thread. It was started in September 2017. This is October 2023.
    I’m at a loss for words.

    None of the above suggestions worked. A narrow sliver of each of what could be two buttons can be seen where the installer window chops them off.
    I’ve set the file path; in theory the rightmost one might say ‘install’. If I need to make some other decision, however, and it’s not the install button…

    How do I get the SDX installer to display without being truncated so I know for certain which paths and which settings I’m agreeing to when installing this (very expensive) piece of software?

    Operating system: Windows 10
    • This post was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by Wiergate.
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