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SD3 – If we upgrade > whats happens to our presets and saved sounds from SD2 ?

Superior Drummer 3 Pre-sales
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  • Olof Westman
    Forum Crew

    SD3 is not a slot in replacement for SD2 like EZ2 was for EZ1. SD3
    is a new plug-in with a new plug-in id and a new name. It will not
    automatically appear in any DAW projects where SD2 was used.
    SD2 will still be used in those projects.

    SD2 combined presets can be loaded in SD3 and that goes for factory
    presets, producer presets and user presets alike. The result of importing
    SD2 presets like that varies but usually they sound the same or very
    similar in SD3. There are exceptions, of course. Sometimes because
    the new FX cannot fully replicate the SD2 one and sometimes because
    the MidiNodes in SD2 can do something that SD3 stacking cannot.

    Olof Westman - Toontrack


    Thanked by: Henry

    Since Superior Drummer 3 doesn’t replace your Superior Drummer 2 installation, you can keep both – until you feel confident to only use Superior Drummer 3!

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer


    Hello! new to S3. We had always stored our combined presets from Super 2.0x in our OS X documents folder. How do we get S3 to recognize them please?

    Thank you!

    Dean T.Brewer

    I can’t seem to find my Superior Drummer 2 kits that I have saved. It appears as though both SD2 and SD3 save to the same folder but when in SD2, I only see SD2 saved kits and when in SD3, I only see SD3 saved kits. Both programs save to One Drive/Documents. I may change that to a local folder but apparently, that was the default when I installed both programs.

    Thank You.


    @David said:
    Hello! new to S3. We had always stored our combined presets from Super 2.0x in our OS X documents folder. How do we get S3 to recognize them please?

    Thank you!  


    Combined Presets are stored in:
    ‘Users/{Username}/Library/Application Support/Toontrack/Superior2/PresetsEZX/{Libraryname}/Combined/’.
    Superior 2 Combined Presets in here will be recognised by both Superior 2 and Superior 3 when the corresponding Library is loaded.

    Superior 3 Presets are located in:
    ‘Users/{Username}/Library/Application Support/Toontrack/Superior3/PresetsEZX/{Libraryname}/S3Presets/’.

    Both locations can be accessed by the ‘Manage in Finder’ menu entry in the plugins. Well, you can’t open the Superior 3 Preset location in Superior 2, of course.

    If you have Superior 2 Projects (.s20) that you wish to open in Superior 3, I suggest you save them as Combined Presets in Superior 2, so that Superior 3 can “see” them.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    @John said:


    If you have Superior 2 Projects (.s20) that you wish to open in Superior 3, I suggest you save them as Combined Presets in Superior 2, so that Superior 3 can “see” them.


    Hello John. We certainly appreciate the help. We tried several times last week, all to no avail. Resaving our S2.0 presets does not get us to see them inside of S3. What is amiss?

    Nacio Chavez

    @David said:

    Hello John. We certainly appreciate the help. We tried several times last week, all to no avail. Resaving our S2.0 presets does not get us to see them inside of S3. What is amiss?  

    1. Save as Preset from SD2 (please note the Library saved as, i.e. The Metal Foundry, N.Y. – Avatar, etc…) and name the preset appropriately.
    2. Open SD3 and load the library noted
    3. Under the Default menu dropdown find “SD2 User Presets”. you will find your saved preset from SD2 and select.
    4. enjoy…


    Thanked by: evro123
    Bob Peach

    Was this ever resolved, i have saved SD2 project as combi presets, but when i open SD3 Default menu dropdown there is no “SD2 User Preset” I would love to enjoy….now back working with SD2 help


    @Bob Peach said:
    Was this ever resolved, i have saved SD2 project as combi presets, but when i open SD3 Default menu dropdown there is no “SD2 User Preset” I would love to enjoy….now back working with SD2 help  

    Wasn’t resolved for us. For exactly the same reasons you state. There is no found “SD2 User Preset” in S3! 🙂


    As noted above, you need to have the correct library loaded. E.g. Indiependent SDX User Presets will not be visible if you have the SD3 core library loaded.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Hey there John. Thank you for your reply.  (been ill for quite some time so apologies for not replying earlier – moral: don’t get old. LOL) Anyways. This still does not work for us. I ‘think‘ perhaps the reason might be due to where all of our old SD2 combined presets were stored. We stored them in the regal mac documents folder, inside a folder we named DFH custom presets etc. We did try to redo a bunch of them by opening SD2 and reserving the combined presets, but I still suspect it is not saving them ‘where’ SD3 wants to see them, as when we open up C&V in SD3, and pull down to custom presets, none of our presets saved in SD2 with C&V are there. Quite confusing???


    Hi David,

    I just tried following my recipe myself and it worked as expected.  I attach a series of screen shots to make sure you follow the instructions correctly.

    1. First I select the C&V library, then check the ‘SD2 User Presets’ list.

    2. Then I load my .s20 Project in Superior 2.


    3. Save this as a Combined Preset in the Combined Presets menu.



    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    4. I reload (switch to another library, then back) C&V and now my new Test preset is in the SD2 User Presets list.


    5. Clicking the ‘Manage in Finder’ Menu entry under SD2 User Presets opens the folder where the Combined Preset should be.


    This is not a place where you can put an .s20 Project file but a Combined Preset from another system can be copied here.


    I hope this helps,


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Thanked by: David

    This is awesome John. Got it! Thank you for helping the old man 🙂

    Is there any way to use our S1 saved combined presets in S3? Meaning ones we created inside S2 using the S1-Drummer Library.



    This is awesome John. Got it! Thank you for helping the old man ?

    Is there any way to use our S1 saved combined presets in S3? Meaning ones we created inside S2 using the S1-Drummer Library.

    S1 sound libraries aren’t supported in S3 so any S1 presets won’t load.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

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