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SD3 freezes after a while.

E-drum Workshop
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  • Henrik

    We need some information to track this problem down:
    – Is it any difference if you run Superior Drummer 3 in a DAW (like Cubase, Pro Tools etc)?
    – Do you use the latest version of the plugin and the libraries (best checked with the Product Manager)?
    – Is it any difference if you just use Superior Drummer 3 without the e-kit set up as a MIDI device?
    – Is it any difference if you use another audio device driver (if possible)?

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer


    Thank for your Answer.

    @Henrik said:
    We need some information to track this problem down:
    – Is it any difference if you run Superior Drummer 3 in a DAW (like Cubase, Pro Tools etc)?
    I don’t use SD3 in a DAW. Only Standalone.

    – Do you use the latest version of the plugin and the libraries (best checked with the Product Manager)?
    Yes. Version 3.03

    – Is it any difference if you just use Superior Drummer 3 without the e-kit set up as a MIDI device?

    – Is it any difference if you use another audio device driver (if possible)?  

    I will check this.

    If I look into Recourcemonitor (Windows) there are allways 2 CPU in use. There’s no difference if I choose 1 or 2 Cores.



    I have track down this Error. One Preset was broken.



    Any ideas why it’s broken? Just asking to check that it’s not caused by a bug we need to fix 🙂

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer


    No, not yet. On annother PC there ist no freeze with that “broken” preset. Hmmmm….

Viewing 5 replies - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

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