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SD3 Effects "Quality" "third party plugins"

Studio Corner
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  • Bear-Faced Cow

    Then I guess by your theory, another set of brushes would have saved this painting.


    Sorry, but  the plug-ins within SD3 don’t sound cheap or bad by any stretch. I’ve gotten many excellent drum mixes out of them. Any set of plug-ins can sound bad when they’re misapplied (I’ve heard many bad mixes using UAD plug-ins), but believing a certain set of plug-ins in and of itself will make SD3 better is not mixing, but more turd polishing.

    Not to mention that there are already plenty of ways that SD3 can be used with external plug-ins if desired and is a far better off doing that in a DAW than within a plug-in space due to various software architectural and stability reasons.


    Jordan L. Chilcott

    Web Site:


    yes you cannot compare the SD3 eq.. with Fab Filter Pro Q 3 EQ.. at all ¡  Pro Q3 it is miles aways in every single way..

    and the compressors.. too.. you cannot compare the compressors from SD3 to.. SPL Iron.. for example.. or the beautiful sound of softtube
    harmonics analog saturation processor… those plugins are miles away in quality ..
    the option to have the inside SD3 mixer will be the end of all problems. will be great to have that option.

    I don’t want to sound that hard.. but yes.. the SD3 effects are..ok.. ..but for a profesional mix.. noup.. they sound very bad to be honest.. like cheap..

    they don’t make the sound any better.. just..sort of do the job..


    Bear-Faced Cow

    Yeah, I can compare any of the SD3 plug-ins, to any of the others because like I have said, I have gotten great sounds out of them. I have many plug-ins outside them and they great in their own right, and I can tell you first hand that SD3’s effects stand up to them. The proof is in the mix. Nothing more. If you cannot use them, that in no way means that the plug-ins are crap.

    All you have really done was use subjective opinions regarding both SD3’s plug-ins and others, but have not pinpointed anything that makes either good or bad for a mix. That’s not mixing. Do you know why it made your mix sound good? Even more so, do you know why a “killer drum mix” can kill the rest of a mix, simply by adding these plug-ins that you are favouring? Or are you simply sprinkling them on your mix like magic fairy dust and proving my point: if you are relying on the plug-ins themselves for a good sound, then it’s nothing more than turd polishing. Some of the best drum mixes have been done with 1176’s  by itself.

    I’ve mixed far too long for anyone to tell me it’s all in the plug-ins. Real mixing is in the ear and not the gear!


    Jordan L. Chilcott

    Web Site:


    yes ok.. anyone knows what I was trying to say anyway.. forget it.

    Bear-Faced Cow

    I know exactly what you said. I could show you identical arguments against plug-in manufacturers that you probably deem superior. Same outcome.


    Jordan L. Chilcott

    Web Site:

    Paul Amelang

    In Logic Pro, I cannot freeze multi-output software instruments. Right now my work flow is to print the drums, then mute and hide SD3 and relaunch Logic. When I want to change anything in SD3, I have to repeat that whole process. I wish that either Logic would allow the freezing of multi-output tracks or Toontrack would allow 3rd party plugins.

    Bear-Faced Cow,perhaps I am misunderstanding you, but you seem to be trying to say that a “real” engineer does not need 3rd party plugins. While it may be true that a great engineer can make a fantastic mix with only stock plugins, and it may be true that a lot of people waste money on plugins hoping they are going to find some shortcut or silver bullet only to be more or less inevitably disappointed, I believe that many 3rd party plugins are objectively and/or subjectively superior to stock plugins, especially the ones that come with SD3.

    Bear-Faced Cow

    Not what I said at all. We all use plug-ins of some sort. A couple of my faves are UAD Studer A800, Neve 33609 & Soundtoys Devil-Loc on the drums. What I did say that SD3’s plug-ins can produce a good mix on their own.

    Only reason you’d need to freeze multi-output tracks is because your computer is terribly underpowered.


    Jordan L. Chilcott

    Web Site:


    The effects in SD3 are perfectly adequate for creating quality mixes. If you don’t like them, bus ’em out and use third-party plug-ins.

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