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SD2 – MacBook Pro – Reaper Latency issue

E-drum Workshop
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  • John


    if it’s not host dependent, I’d start with checking with Roland and the driver. I see that the latest system is 1.14 and the latest driver is 1.0.1 for Mac OS X.
    Which exact OS version are you on?

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Matthew Kudirka

    OS is El Capitan. fully updated.
    My TD15 is updated to 1.14 and driver is 1.0.1.

    I dont understand all the buffering and Block settings. I’ve set my Block size to 128. that gives me 3.0 ms latency. I had it set to 64 and that gave me 1.7ms latency. I thought that may be the problem but it didn’t help. I may move it back to 64.


    Block Size?
    Are those separate Buffer and Block Size settings for your driver?
    What is the Latency Buffer set to in Toontrack solo under ‘Options’

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Matthew Kudirka

    it seams that in Reaper for my Mac it’s called Block Size. which I now have set to 128.(this may have fixed it) not sure as I was away the past weekend. So I haven’t sat with it much I hope to get some time in this week.

    in TT Solo it’s still called Buffer and I have it set to 64.

    I really don’t use Solo, I prefer to use Reaper so I can just start recording when I want to.



    you get back if you keep having problems.

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

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