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SD2 HiHat BOUNCE Problem

E-drum Workshop
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  • Ilja Körrer

    Hi Victor,
    sounds for me like a damdaged Midicable!
    Espacially because there is more than one issue going on.
    I think if you take a look on the recorded Midi-Informations you wil see that the CC Information of the HiHat isn’t recorded right.
    Does this happen all the Time at the same position in your Song while you’re playing it back?
    Or does it occur in random Positions in your song?




    could you please ZIP one of the Session files (just the .ptx no audio) and attach it to a post here, so I may have a look?


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Victor Kennedy

    Hello guys, apologies for not replying to this very old request sooner.
    I guess I just forgot about it and caught up with so many other tech issues.

    A couple of weeks ago I finally resolved the Hats issue via the Pedal section of the Controller lane in ProTools. I wasn’t aware of it until recently.

    However, I’m now experiencing some more HiHat issues with the Bounce function in SD2, and have just posted about this in the forum, so if you’re reading this maybe you could check that post and let me know if you have a solution.

    Many thanks…

    MacBook Air M3 OSX 14.7.2 | Logic Pro | Toontrack EZDrummer 3 | Tootrack EzBass | M-Audio AIR 192-14 | Schecter, Maton, Fender, DBZ & Epiphone Electric and Acoustic Guitars |

    Victor Kennedy

    PS: I think that some of the Hats Pedal Controller issues may have been caused by Delay Compensation and other issues within Pro Tools and my OSX settings etc, and weren’t directly caused by SD2 itself.

    I still can’t see why I’m having the following Bounce issue today though, as everything else seems fine.

    Yesterday I used the SD2 BOUNCE function to get individual WAVs into ProTools for mixing. All was fine, but today I’m bouncing drums from another song, and the HiHat keeps bouncing as an OPEN Wav, when in fact it is a CLOSED performance on the Hats. I’ve checked the Controller lane for Pedal on the SD2 track in PT and it is definitely Closed.
    I checked and re-checked several times within PT 12.6 with SD2 and the Hats were definitely playing as Closed, which is how they were played by the drummer.
    Each time (x3) I bounced them, the Hats came back as Open. To be sure there was no confusion I even deleted each of the 3 full bounce Wav Files from the destination folder, and re-bounced re-imported to PT.
    Every time the Hats came back as OPEN. This didn’t happen with a different song yesterday, and as I’ve thoroughly checked that SD2 is playing Closed Hats I can’t see why this is happening.

    MacBook Air M3 OSX 14.7.2 | Logic Pro | Toontrack EZDrummer 3 | Tootrack EzBass | M-Audio AIR 192-14 | Schecter, Maton, Fender, DBZ & Epiphone Electric and Acoustic Guitars |



    if you open one song and perform a Bounce, the HH behaves as expected and if you open the other song directly after that, it does not?
    Then I must take a look at that Pro Tools Session file, so please ZIP it and attach.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Victor Kennedy

    Hi John,

    That’s correct. I’ve been successfully bouncing drum tracks to Wavs for other songs before and after this particular song had problems.

    I’ve tried it several times, after re-launching ProTools, re=starting OS X etc etc, and also on different days (not that this would make a difference).

    Attached is a ZIP of the Pro Tools Session .ptx

    MacBook Air M3 OSX 14.7.2 | Logic Pro | Toontrack EZDrummer 3 | Tootrack EzBass | M-Audio AIR 192-14 | Schecter, Maton, Fender, DBZ & Epiphone Electric and Acoustic Guitars |


    Hi there is some CC4 data at the end of the Superior 2 track that makes the plug-in react and open the HH.
    From what I could see, there was no CC4 control point at the beginning of the song, which would make that CC data “stick” once you have reached that point at the end.
    I tried both adding CC data for opening and closing just before the drums started playing and deleting all CC data which both seemed to work when bouncing.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Victor Kennedy

    Hi John. Problem solved. I added a quick OPEN + CLOSE via CC4 on the SD2 track and Wavs bounced as expected. So simple once you realise it was just the bit after the end of the song where the drummer had taken his foot Off the Hat pedal.

    Thanks again…

    MacBook Air M3 OSX 14.7.2 | Logic Pro | Toontrack EZDrummer 3 | Tootrack EzBass | M-Audio AIR 192-14 | Schecter, Maton, Fender, DBZ & Epiphone Electric and Acoustic Guitars |

    Victor Kennedy

    Hi John. Problem solved. I added a quick OPEN + CLOSE via CC4 on the SD2 track and Wavs bounced as expected. So simple once you realise it was just the bit after the end of the song where the drummer had taken his foot Off the Hat pedal.

    Thanks again…

    MacBook Air M3 OSX 14.7.2 | Logic Pro | Toontrack EZDrummer 3 | Tootrack EzBass | M-Audio AIR 192-14 | Schecter, Maton, Fender, DBZ & Epiphone Electric and Acoustic Guitars |

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