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SD X-Drum doesn’t work anymore

Studio Corner
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  • Henrik

    Have you checked your mixer channels outputs (if you are using multi out) so that the xdrum mixer channel(s) are using outputs that are correctly setup in your DAW?

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer


    I’m working with custom outputs but the NYVol3 Splash wont work, even just in stereo mode …

    The only solution I found, is to open 2 Superior Drummer in my Cubase, and on the second VST, only put the splash in it ! :/

    Olof Westman
    Forum Crew

    Does the NYVol3 SDX work at all ?

    Olof Westman - Toontrack


    @Olle said:

    Does the NYVol3 SDX work at all ?

    Yes it works perfectly, every kit works fine, but it just won’t be as an X-Drum in my Rock Warehouse Project :'(


    Hi Pierre,

    I’ve tried to reproduce but can’t, so I sent you a file request. Please save your Superior 2 Project and send it to me so I may take a look why the Splash doesn’t make sound

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Hi John !

    I just sent you the .s20 project ! Hope you can help me or else that’s okay, I load 2 VSTi in my Cubase and map them properly …

    Thanks in advance ! :)


    after I re-routed the outputs I had no problem to hear the Splash. In your Project it mainly is heard in the OH mic (routed to output 17/18) but has bleed in 2 of the AMB mice as well.
    So I really can’t tell why you won’t hear it.

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Hi everyone !

    I still have troubles for my splash X-Drum but I found a solution in my Cubase : open my “normal” SD file, and load another instance of SD with just the splash only so it doesn’t over-charge the RAM.

    And yet another question :

    How in Toontrack Solo, can you configure it to hear the sounds from the other channels ? What I’m trying to say is that I open my project, go in the mixer and play multichannel, but only the kick drum is hearable ! Is Toontrack Solo only available in stereo mode (channels 1/2) ? :)


    This totally depends on your audio interface/sound card.
    If it has multiple outputs, you can use Multichannel output presets.
    If your audio interface only has Stereo Out, well… you can’t hear audio routed to outputs not there, so you would need to re-route those (Bus) outputs to 1+2.

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Since my soundcard is my Zoom R8 and has only 1 output, I guess I’ll have to stay with outputs 1+2 !

    Thanks for your replies John ! (I might consider travelling to sweden just to see you guys ! :D)

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