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SD – TD-20 – Mainstage MIDI Mapping Issues

E-drum Workshop
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  • John


    if you just open up Superior 2 (currently 2.4.4) in Toontrack solo and select the Roland MIDI Preset and it works as expected, the same should happen in MainStage 2.
    If not, some kind of MIDI Input Transforming is taking place in MainStage 2.
    Please consult the MainStage 2 manual.

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Ilja Körrer

    Hi John,
    Thanks for the response. I don’t know if this is very important, but I’m currently working with mainstays 3.11 .

    I’ll try your advise and come back later. . . .


    Yes, please ignore my version number confusion and report back

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Pascal Procman

    Same problem.
    In Mainstage 3.1.1 (the last stable version), my TD30 doesn’t give the rights sounds in SD2.
    No midi “transform, no filter (i have tested to filter midie sensing, controlers… with my MOTU MidiExpress without changes ). I continue to search but it’s a shame to not to have just MIDI Preset file to load in SD2 to have a default stting for TD30 and SD2. I passed a lot of time on PC and now I have to start again with the Mac :-/ Please, Toontrack, give us settings presets, or by default, list of articulations/midi note. Thanks

    Superior Drummer 2.4 - EZ Drummer - All SDX - Roland TD30 - Mainstage - Cubase

    Ilja Körrer

    Hi Guys,
    I think this is really a Mainstage Problem!
    I don’t know what’s wrong but I only had this Problem in Mainstage.
    Checked the Roland Midi Preset in TT Solo and in Reaper and it worked fine!
    Only Mainstage gives me that problem.
    That’s why I changed to Reaper.
    @Procman: why do you want use Mainstage? Just to change between different Drumsets on demand?
    Or do you also want to do some Soundtweaking??
    If you just want to change between different Drumsets, you can manage this also in TT Solo.
    If you want to know how, just let me know 😉
    Are 16 Sets enough??

    Greets Ilja

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