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SD 2.0 verification issue

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  • Scott Eshleman

    You only have to register any Toontrack product to your Toontrack account once.
    After installing & opening Superior2 on your new computer, it’s been awhile for me but as I recall,
    you are then prompted to authorize the new installation on your new computer.
    To do that, you’ll need your old Toontrack account username & Toontrack password.
    While this is typically an email address, you won’t need to access your old email account for an email or registration code.
    Toontrack Support can transfer your product registrations from your old Toontrack account to a new one, if necessary.


    Thank you for your answer. This is what I tried and the old Toontrack account also was not in use for two years. So I tried to login there and I really couldn’t remember the password. Well and password reset wouldn’t work cause I can’t get into the Yahoo account. See the dilemma? What can I do?

    And btw; Toontrack obviouslt don’t care because the support ever even answered my email. A shame.

    Scott Eshleman

    @Felix.Shoemaker said:
    And btw; Toontrack obviouslt don’t care because the support ever even answered my email. A shame.  

    Sorry to hear that. That has not been my experience with Toontrack Support.
    I guessing that you used the ‘Contact Support’ form, posted at the bottom of every FAQ:


    @Felix.Shoemaker said:
    Thank you for your answer. This is what I tried and the old Toontrack account also was not in use for two years. So I tried to login there and I really couldn’t remember the password. Well and password reset wouldn’t work cause I can’t get into the Yahoo account. See the dilemma? What can I do?

    And btw; Toontrack obviouslt don’t care because the support ever even answered my email. A shame.  

    I’ve contacted my support colleague and they should be contacting you. They did reply to your support ticket but apparently the correct email address was not submitted in the support form which is why you never received a reply.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

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