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Great deals on software, sounds
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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


Scam Warning !!

The Pub
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  • Nathan

    Have you let JBL know Juicy?

    They’re using JBL’s contact details and sales blurb on their site.

    Did you pay by credit card?


    SD2.3, NYII, C&V, MC, MF, ED, Latin Perc, Twisted, Pop, N1H, Electronic, Classic, Funkmasters, Rock Solid, Blues, Indie-Folk.


    Spoke to JBL-Yes
    Paid Credit card-Yes

    The Site is so poorly designed and the prices too good but there was a genuine need so i stupidly hit the go button.


    They have cleaned up their website again in the last couple of days.
    On the warranty page their was references to their old website as it said for extended warranty go to *** and when i checked that site it was off the air and only the previous months old and was on a fraud /scam page at the time.

    The other name had the same search engine trickery using an established name to throw the trail off or at least slow it down a whole lot.
    They are cunning tricksters.JBL should hunt them down.


    JBL will probably get their SP to remove the site; it’s trademark infringement and it will reflect badly on them (althought the site I looked at was awful and the logo isn’t the standard JBL one).

    If you paid by CC then you should get your money back from VISA or MC.


    SD2.3, NYII, C&V, MC, MF, ED, Latin Perc, Twisted, Pop, N1H, Electronic, Classic, Funkmasters, Rock Solid, Blues, Indie-Folk.


    Thanks P9
    Having some support here on this is great, i find this thievery and situation depressing to say the least,
    I know i was to blame for placing an order.
    The logo is so poor i should have known better.


    It takes a big chunk out of your faith in human beings, shitty species.

    Woo I’ve triggered the censor-script, never done that before 😉


    SD2.3, NYII, C&V, MC, MF, ED, Latin Perc, Twisted, Pop, N1H, Electronic, Classic, Funkmasters, Rock Solid, Blues, Indie-Folk.


    Your not Wrong.

    Bank has co operated with the C Card. so time will tell.


    Here’s another example of that I had experienced during the process of applying for jobs and rentals. One of the rentals sent back a link along with photos of a really nice home at a very reasonable price. However, I had to complete a credit check before they could provide any more details on the house. Basically, according to the company, it was used to determine whether I had any past evictions. Seems innocent enough, right? Wrong! This is actually a huge red flag to look out for.

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