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S2 Sound Quality Questions

Studio Corner
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  • Whitten

    Two things I would consider…..
    Lower velocity hits.
    This almost always produces softer, warmer tones from the drums.

    Secondly, valve compression. Make it barely noticeable, but it can soften attack and warm the drum tone.


    oh ok so outboard gear?   so convert it and then send it out to tube compressors and then re-convert it?

    uh ok… but can you think of something digital remaining in pro tools instead?  since the Axe FX has modeled analog tube guitar amps so perfect, and since the virus has made a hyper realistic form of analog synth modeling… surely there must be some digital technology that has modeled a valve compressor… waves stuff maybe? 

    I am getting word on some UAD cards elsewhere, but so far i have learned they have that vintage vibe… i am not sure if that vintage vibe what I am looking for but maybe… softened, analog, but modern, with diffusion around the edges… like the rounded quality of the Audio Technica 4047 mic…. hard to explain…  but i guess like something in a dream… which is why those diffusion filters in soap operas are placed on the lens.


    I’m not a huge fan of plug-ins, although I do enjoy some, so I’m probably not expert enough to point you in the right direction.

    However, this gets rave reviews:

    Or perhaps something like this:

    Perhaps a bit of this:

    Or this:

    Most of the above have demos, or a free.


    uhh… the stillwell has no RTAS.    

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