Round robin and velocity layers for own samples? – Superior Drummer 3

Requests and Feedback
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  • John


    not saying there’s no room for improvement but please do not forget that Superior Drummer 3 is not your regular sample player, it’s a virtual drummer/drum studio with all those sampled instruments through all microphones, with features and functions centered around that and the Toontrack expansions. The feature to add your own samples is pretty new in the Superior line, so you can’t really compare it to e.g. Kontakt or simliar with regards to conventional sampler functions.

    Stacking your imported samples should get you nearer, though. Did you try that? Use the Velocity Gate to set the different samples’ Velocity trigger areas.

    As for what may or may not come in future updates; apart from bug fixes, such things have always been communicated via the web site, not commented here on the Forum.
    This is the ‘Requests & Feedback’ section though, so it’s indeed the right place to ask for new features.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    I was looking for the same feature. SD3 is really a good product and i would really appreciate this too.





    Well this logic must already exist in the app, so I’d imagine it’s mainly a matter of creating an intuitive ui for it. Not that that is a small task… But being able to construct your own kits with the same depth as the existing ones would just be stunning!

    TBH – I bought the software a week ago over the competitors when I saw i could import samples, solely because I assumed this would be possible.

    Could someone post a link to the existing feature request please, so I can +1 there too?

    Many thanks!


    Thanks for the tip on the velocity gate BTW – it will be a lot of work doing it that way, but being incredibly granular, and having a new sample per 3/4 velocity values should get me a decent bit of the way there.

    Is there a limit to stack size? Is there any effect to latency with larger stacks?

    Thanks again!


    Hi trickeyd,

    IIRC the maximum number of stacks is 128. Just tried stacking 60 sounds before I got tired…

    Since all sounds are loaded into RAM, there should be no latency impact.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor



    The following is just a personal opinion and a personal observation “as” user of this product.

    People want to customize their “own” kit and this issues with samples that “don’t follow” velocity volume is incredibly annoying but useful to sell more expansions and have a better control of your products, it’s understandable… it’s business.

    There are “millions of mode/methods” to implement this features in 20 minutes.. just 20 minutes…

    a batch import that “ASK” HOW MUCH layer x velocity you want to create ?…

    To improve machine gun effects you can easly add a Filter cutoff modulation control based on velocity “with 3 different shape”

    Or… you can add a low cut filter/ Low passfilter linked to velocity “create before on import.

    And another millions of methods and strategies.. but it’s understandable that you want to sell SD4 and 5 and 6 and 7 before to implement this simple features. Anyway is a good software but it’s not understandable why some features are incredible missed.


    Well, aren’t we entitled?


    Maybe go start your own company and design the software that YOU want if it’s sooooo easy.


    Have a nice day!




    I also would like this feature.

    Conan the Barbarian

    I also would appreciate this feature as SD3 does not have every instrument or sound desired on my drum kit.


    I, too, would like this feature.

    Conan the Barbarian

    Yes. Superior drummer three does not have octobon/rocket Tom sounds so I bought some and recorded my own. I wish I could at least put seven different samples into superior drummer three and use them instead obituaries g drumagog or use reasample in reaper. It would be much easier to use the superior drummer three for all of my recorded samples. One shots just don’t cut it.


    Superior drummer three does not have octobon/rocket Tom sounds


    just a heads up that the Hansa and Fields of Rock SDX:s have Octobans (each a set of 4), plus the Reggae EZX (set of 2). The two SDX:s also have Rototoms.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Bob Reader

    I would also like this feature

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