Hi everyone. Thanks for checking in on my thread.
I recently purchased Superior Drummer and I am extremely happy with it. I had no issues whatsoever plugging in and playing straight out of the box using a USB 2.0 cable. I also have no issues using the multi channel output features for mixing in my DAW (logic). This is currently how I record, record the MIDI on the stereo version, when I’m done, switch to multi channel, route the mic’s in the mixer to separate tracks or parralell busses in Logic. All works no issues. I do drum covers on YouTube and also have started recording midi drums for producers to use on their tracks. While I am getting a pretty decent sound using EQ, Compression, Reverb etc, I feel like it could be so much better (can’t fault the Superior Drummer sounds out the box, they really are great.)
I use Shure SE215 headphones which is where I think I’m going wrong. I am pretty new to all this (been drumming for 12 years. Production is new to me) but from what I understand, a good pair of studio monitors means I can hear all the frequencies I need to be hearing to be getting a cleaner drum sound and that they also stop input lag/jittering from Apple’s internal soundcard on iMac’s.
Budget wise, something like Rokit 5’s 6’s would suit me and from reviews I’ve heard they’re very good for the money. Some of them also come with a FocusRite Scarlett 2i2 which from reading reviews also sounds like it’s one of the best on the market in the price range. My question is though what interface would I need for my setup? I plan to record with my Roland TD25KV and that only. In my head, I feel like all I’d need is: Midi cable from back of module, running into interface, which runs into the speakers which can then be controlled by my volume knob on my Mac. However as with most technical appliances I’ve stuck my teeth into in the last few months, I’m probably wrong.
It’s a lot of money to be playing around with and I can’t afford to get it wrong. If you’ve got this far, I really appreciate you taking the time to read this and hopefully replying with the next step I need to take. If you do and help me get to where I need to be, I’d be happy to purchase whoever that person may be an Amazon gift card (or any gift card really, as long as it’s from a legitimate website) as a way to say thank you.
Thanks for your time, hopefully hear from someone soon.