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Roland TD-12 issues with S 2.0 + metronome question

E-drum Workshop
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  • Damian Blunt


    1)It sounds like your TD-12 is sending the same MIDI notes from youe aux inputs as it is for your Bass drum and snare – On your TD-12 go to INST > F4 (control) > F3 (MIDI) and then hit you aux pads (bow and edge) to see what notes are being sent….if you then hit your snare (head and rim) and kick to see if the notes are the same…..If they are then you need to change the notes sent from your aux inputs… may be worth looking at the Superior 2 note assignments and changing the notes on your TD-12 to correspond with the cymbals you want to trigger.

    2)The TD-12 should send separate notes when XSTICK is selected from the TD-12’s first screen, so you should get separate sidestick and rimshots if your TD-12 notes are default

    3)This is a known issue on PC and will hopefully be fixed soon

    Damian Blunt - Toontrack
    Quality Assurance


    ah tanks for the info 🙂
    there were no “double” midi notes, but i changed the notes anyway… now it works.

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