hi guys..
i just found this forum and this is great…just like what ive been looking for..
i have some questions guys..
im using PD8 and PD7 roland pads…im using it on dtxtreme2s module..this is due to unavailabilty of yamaha pads in my country…
and what i get is a very unreliable rim sounds..some time it works some time it doesnt works..some times it is interupting the pad(center) sounds..this is very frustating..
today i found out a way to open the pads safely..that mean without breaking some parts..
and i see the wiring of the piezo and the ribbon on the rim..
i would like to know if one of you guys know how yamaha wired their pads..or any converters that i can use to make it more reliable..or shall i add a resistor to it or any how
im really desperated with the situation..
any help appreciated..
thanks in advance