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Roland MIDI mapping doesn’t correspond to EZDrummer 2?

Studio Corner
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  • John


    the Roland E-drum MIDI Preset re-maps incoming notes ‘on-the-fly’ and this can’t be edited for reviewed the same way in EZdrummer 2 as you can in Superior Drummer 3.
    Which EZX are we talking about and which position?


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Nate Lanxon

    Thanks John. I’m using two EZX packs, DFH and Progressive. For the time being what I’ve done is hit the Roland cymbal pad I want to change and turn the knob until I see an appropriately placed cymbal in EZD animate, such as a right-hand crash. Then I’ve changed that cymbal to a china or splash. It works, and I now have a good kit setup, but it means I have the image of a crash in EZD actually trigger a china sound. It’s no bother but if there’s a better way of doing this I’d love to know.

    Many thanks


    I don’t think there’s a better way using EZdrummer 2, no.
    Knowing the MIDI layout of the EZX doesn’t really matter since the MIDI Preset re-maps the notes.

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    David Godinez

    Im trying to use my Roland Octopad spd 30 to control Ezdrummer 2 inside of Digital Performer.

    Is there a way to do this ? What has to be mapped, the Roland or Ezdrummer?

    David Godinez

    Sorry, but I must explain just a little better. I hit the pads on the SPD 30 but they don’t match and I believe it might be an issue of assigning

    either my EZdrummer to my roland or assigning and making the SPD 30 to EZdrummer. how would I go about doing that?




    Thanked by: Kaister


    you cannot re-map any notes in EZdrummer 2, only select a MIDI Preset like e.g. ‘Roland’.

    I’m not sure this helps much with an SPD 30, however.
    You will have to set up the MIDI notes  for the pads in the SPD 30. When you run EZdrummer 2, you can click the Details for each instrument to see which articulation has which trigger note.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Thanked by: Kaister


    I have also a question regarding this topic. I’m using a roland td-25 via usb and Drums of destruction. The midi present “Roland” works great with this module.  Now I tried to add a second module, an older Roland TD-8 and connected it via midi mate interface for more cymbals. It generally works, but I know, that the “Roland midi present” is also valid for the td-8, which means that it triggers the same notes than the td-25. So I have to change the midi notes in the td-8. It is quite difficult to find the right note, because the shown midi note in the details of the cymbals are not longer valid because of Roland remapping.

    Long story short: Is there any list available where I can see how the Roland midi presents maps the original note in the backround? This would make it much easier to reconfigure the td-8.

    Best regards



    Hi Gerrit,

    AFAIK there is no such document.

    If I open SD3 and load the Roland TD-25 MIDI Preset, the following Transforms take place:

    Does this help?


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Hi John,

    thanks for the quick reply. It helps a little bit, but I have the feeling, that The EZ mapping is a little bit different.

    I think that more than one incomming note is mapped to a EZ drummer midi note. The result of this n:1 mapping is, that not much incomming midi notes are free anymore. The free notes are often mapped to a stopped cymbal sound. I found the workaround , that I can change the sound to a cymbal which has no stopped sound. This is not perfect, but it works in a first step. Maybe my needs are not EZ anymore… 😉

    I think I cannot choose the default , no module midi setting without loosing the positional sensing for snare and ride and the Hihat settings for Roland, right?

    If I would upgrade to superior drummer 3 at one point: Can I set the midi mapping on the program site without loosing the Roland positional sensing for the snare and ride? I guess this could finally solve my problem…




    Hi Gerrit,

    in EZdrummer 2 you can see the incoming notes in the Instrument’s property box, if that helps you further.

    Should you upgrade to SD3, rest assured you can edit and tweak the MIDI presets and save your own.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Liam Doherty

    I have a similar issue, if anyone can advise?

    If I play a midi file on my Roland keyboard, the drums are fine. However, when I import that midi file into EZ Drummer, EZ Drummer is playing different voices.

    I’m some what confused, as I thought midi being an industry standard format, would translate 100% to other software & devices?

    Am I missing something?

    Please tell me 🙂

    Rob Taylor

    Hi all

    Looking for some help along similar lines…


    I’ve got four instruments going to a MIDI hub then over to my Studio 68C

    Korg SR-16 drum machine

    Yamaha AN2000 desktop synth

    Roland TD-17 kvx drums

    Roland SPD-20 Pro (Octapad)


    I’m able to get all 4 to control EZD2 (took some doing to reach this point) and all are performing wonderfully except the Octapad.


    Right now, 6 of the 8 pads are triggering different hi-hat voices, 1 is triggering the snare and the other a rim shot on same snare.


    I’ve tried moving to different kits within the Octapad as well as creating a custom kit and scrolling through different instrument assignments on the various pads but everything seems locked to these particular 8 voices only. I’m sure I’m just missing something obvious but have reached the point where nothing’s working tonight so had to walk away.


    Any ideas greatly appreciated



    Rob Taylor

    Solved my own issue but figured I’d reply in case anyone else comes looking for info

    Turned out the SPD-20 Pro general MIDI settings was not the place to look. Once I went into ‘Kit Common’, I was able to adjust note values for individual pads.

    There were a few values in EZD2 that didn’t match up perfectly but trial and error enabled me to assign all 8 pads to the voices I was hoping to in the end.

    Cheers all

    John Normington

    I have the Roland SPD-30 and I cannot figure how to adjust it to assign the sounds for the ToonTrack Drummer 2. I can see you had success but can too give me some how to do it detail? Thanks

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