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Roland e-drums Live

E-drum Workshop
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  • Juicy

    You Really dont want 2 rooms so you gotta try DRY >

    I would take the Kik,Snr,Hats,Toms out of the O/H mics and take all out of Close,Mid,Far ambience mics,this also makes your load time and ram use lighter.
    Save as a template

    You could also make a second preset leaving all in the O/Heads as per real miking situation but thats all i would do.
    Keep It Real Bro.


    Thanks juicy. I can see taking out the mid and far – which would create ambiance – too wet. But, why would O/H and close miking cause reverb? Just asking. Dan


    They too are ambient in those big rooms but mainly to gain cymbal volume control in a simple and basic way.
    But the second preset with a nice balance on o/heads is fine and many people would argue the case for it being the only way just not me.

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