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rock band drums

E-drum Workshop
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  • Kip Count

    This guy here explains it step by step…
    other info here…

    That should get ya going in the right direction.  It seems a lot of people have successfully used this as a Midi controller with Garageband and other programs.
    If you got this thing for free, might as well put it to use.  Let us know how you make out!  I’m curious! 

    – Kip

    Mac Mini M1 | Studio One 6 | PreSonus 68c | EZD3


    If you’re a Mac user all you need is That software will convert any USB device to MIDI. Which means your Rockband drum kit wit appear as a midi controller in just ANY audio software (ProTools, Logic, Garageband, Reason, Cubase, and of course in any plugin supported by these software… Battery 3 from Native instruments, Ezdrummer from ToonTrack, any Apple Loop plugin etc…)

    If you’re a PC user, I’m sure you’ll be able to find something that works like Junxion. But I have to admit, Gamepad Companion and other softwares converting usb to keys instead of MIDI signals, will involve a lot of latency.

    Forcing your computer to believe you have plugged a MIDI controller is the best way to control any USB device for musical composing!


    Im trying to do similar things, Im currently building an edrum.very similar to the rockband drum
    Anyways aside from that im testing this program with my rockband drum

    I can’t seem to make it work,I used Mixcraft 4.1 as my host program,and i can’t seem to assign the Virtual drums to sound from hitting a key,at least i don’t know how…..

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