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Ridiculous slow download speed

Product Manager
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  • 80sMetalDude

    Bought software in 2018 and here we are in 2023 and same problems.   I have 1.2gbs internet downloading 100Kbs after the first installs went fast.   WTH its like Toontrack is deciding IVE DOWNLOADED MY QUOATA for the day????  I’m your customer you dont throttle your customers …..


    Lol at my 1.8mb download speed right now…

    • This post was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by CCbailey.
    ted lott

    Why on earth is it saying over 1000hours to download?! Who has that kind of time?

    ted lott

    Well I’ve attempted to contact toontrack and all I got in return was an automated reply which was no help at all. Looks like I only have another 680 hours to go.


    I am running high speed fibre optic internet directly connected to my pc. day three and three products to go. unacceptable service! the downloads are slower than slow.


    I have a 1GB/s download connection (currently running at 776Mb/s) yet downloads from toontrack are currently running at 4 – 5Mb/s. This is dire guys, what is wrong with your servers?


    Operating system: Windows 10
    Roland Burt

    I am, right now, downloading at 299 KB/s. Yes, KBS. You read that correctly. This is a joke. Thought something was up with my router and I am on wifi. But Speedtest shows 20MB. 127 hours to download. I was getting 1.5MB and it dropped suddenly and has not come back. Restarting download does nopt help. Thought I would play with this new library tomorrow. Maybe in 5 days? LMAO. This is untenable.

    UPDATE: It did speed up after several hours. Getting around 8MB/s which is better but not great. We’ll see how long it holds up.

    Operating system: macOS Sonoma (14)

    I have the same problem as you. I think this problem has been fixed. But it hasn’t been fixed yet. I don’t understand why Toontrack doesn’t expand their servers.


    I’m plugged in via Ethernet cable directly into my modem and its the same speed for WiFi.  My internet service is fine, no problems with anything else.

    Around 4 MB/s is the highest download speed it’s gotten up to.  And then it’s goes right back down and fluctuates all over, never staying at a good speed for long.  180 GB sample library.  After 7 hours it’s barely 1/3 of the way.


    Operating system: macOS Ventura (13)
    Ralph Uwe Konrath

    Download State of the Art SDX since 20 hours, and there is a message “508 h remaining”!!! It is easy to sell the products, but the customers need a service to use their products.

    Operating system: Windows 11
    Jason Smith

    I’ve got to say, based out of South Florida, USA and things are running at a meager 11MB/s on my 1.2Gb line (150MB/s). On the same computer I’m getting speedtests to Sweden at 450Mb/s(56MB/s).  So, we can’t even blame it on the distance, assuming that Toontrack has their servers based near their HQ. Would love to see Toontrack do better here.


    On a positive note, they’re very responsive and am mostly happy with their product support.


    Hi Jason,

    you wouldn’t be downloading from Sweden but the server nearest to your location. If you keep having download speed issues with PM, better contact Toontrack Support directly to investigate if there’s something that can be solved in the Toontrack end.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    i encountered an issue with the download and got a little to carried away with myself, the post should be removed now. sorry for the jpeg i cant remove that.

    Operating system: Windows 10
    • This post was modified 2 months, 1 week ago by jn12321.
    John Hopper

    Ugh this is still a thing in 2024.    I just built a new PC and having to re-install all 250 gigs at speeds bouncing between 1 – 13 mbps, yet running speedtest I’m getting over 1000mbps WHILE this stuff is downloading.    SD3 itself downloaded pretty fast but the rest are all bottlenecked at 13mb/s.    If I just download one, 13mbps…. if I download three they all get 13mbps for a total of 36mbps.   I also tried downloading from the website instead of product manager… same thing.   That’s not my ISP, this is 100% being bottlenecked on the Toontrack side.    You guys know there are reliable services where you can host these files right?    Even software vendors with dinky little apps use them.   I guess my wife appreciates your built-in throttling while she’s watching Netflix.

    Operating system: Windows 11

    Currently downloading the 160gb of Stories at the stately speed 2.5MB/s. Thank goodness I’m not trying this over the busy BF sales period!


    Operating system: macOS Sonoma (14)
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