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Requesting for Headphone suggestions for drums

The Pub
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  • Exci

    There are no “best” headphones, at any given price range – sound is highly subjective. There are, however decent overall options that will be good enough for many different genres and ears. I assume you mean your partner plays acoustic drums? Does he play on stage, or by himself? Does he normally wear headphones, or in-ear monitors?


    The Roland RH-5 are nice and they’re only about $40 or so. But there are plenty of other options to pick between as well.

    Melissa Davies

    Hi Everyone,

    Happy to be here. I am Mitch, and I am joining drum forums because I want to know what gift I could give my partner, who is a drummer. I was thinking of getting him a headphone, but totally have no clue what to get him.

    I read about Sennheiser HD280 Pro, which they say is the best. I just read that from here,, but having no music sense, I was hoping I could get feedback from people who are more educated than me.

    If this is not a good brand for you, can you please suggest a brand and model that you prefer, why and if you can share also how much it is?
    Thank you so much.


    Once again, as Exci said – there’s no such thing as “best” headphones, so my piece of advice: don’t order them online. You have to try them first. Headphones can be a very personal thing. So ideally it should be your partner who’s choosing. Yes, it won’t be a surprise, but his preferences will help you to choose a proper option.
    I don’t like the noise isolation type earbuds with silicone pads, so for me it’s headband headphones only. Here are some of my favorites:
    beyerdynamic DT 770 M are nice, for instance, but these are about $150. As I see you haven’t mentioned your budget, so it’d be nice if you could mention it in a reply. I also use Sennheiser HD280 (cost me about $100, three years ago, so they’re slightly cheaper) in my studio and haven’t had any drummer complaints yet. Both are great for basses.

    I once bought the Roland ones but I wasn’t impressed. But once again, that’s a personal thing, Mitch.

    Lee Shapiro

    I second Melissa’s suggestion for the beyerdynamic DT 770 (Pro).   I’ve been using these headphones quite extensively for several years.  They have a wide dynamic range (good bass response), and I even use them to track and mix my songs.  Even though  the experts say not to mix/master your work through headphones, I found that these headphones emulate a good, professional pair of studio monitors.  (I do use monitors for the final mix and master, and listen to the project through several setups (like laptop speakers, car stereo, and ear phones).  And besides sounding great, they are very comfortable to wear.  They are big and sturdy, but I can wear them for hours without them becoming uncomfortable.


    I think this was a bot, it posted the same in several other music related forums…

    Lee Shapiro

    I think this was a bot, it posted the same in several other music related forums…

    With a name like “Putz” you could be right.

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