
Requests and Feedback
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  • @Adam Lasater said:
    Just started playing today using tracker for replacement in one of my projects and so far I LOVE it for the most part, even if tracker isn’t quite as perfect and automated as previews made it seem. I’m sure the more I play the more I’ll find but right now I have one very simple but big request:

    Horizontal locking option in the grid editor. I.E. I used tracker to convert a performance to MIDI and now (for 2 reasons, 1: desire to change some parts and 2: some bugs within Tracker) I want to move certain hits from one drum/cymbal to another but keep them in exactly the same place (human and not perfectly locked to the grid). Just a suggestion but I could see this implemented as a button right next to the “snap to grid” button and/or as keyboard shortcuts (I.e. Up and down arrows)


    You can use Shift + Drag for horizontal locking in the Grid Editor.

    Did you know that you can change what instrument and articulation to Trigger in the Tracker tab?
    1. Select the notes you like to trigger with another instrument/articulation
    2. Open the Sound Recognition menu (above the amount control)
    3. Click the Edit button (to the left of the Triggered Articulation heading)
    4. Select Other in the left column in Edit Triggered Articulation. Now any loaded instrument can be selected.
    5. Select the Instrument and Articulation that you like the selected notes to trigger
    6. Check ‘Apply to selected notes only’ in the Triggered Articulation box
    7. Click find hits.

    Andreas Walfridsson - Toontrack
    UX Designer

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