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Renaming X-Drums in SD 3

Requests and Feedback
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  • Henrik

    It’s not possible. We have gotten this request before and I agree that it would be useful. We have taken a note of this request!

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer


    Yes, this should be very nice 🙂  !

    • This post was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by tilali.
    Lingua Franka

    I too would very much like this feature.

    If you make a large kit; say with all of the Pearl Toms from high to low, you are left with 3 extra toms named Instrument 1-3.

    This makes programming in the grid editor tedious.

    It would also be useful to be able to rearrange the order of the instruments, so that they (the toms in this case), can be grouped together in order of tuning for example, (unless this is already possible and I have missed something).


    I would also like this. Really it seems elementary for such a deep program. I’m looking at instrument 1 in the grid editor and have to go back to the drums tab to find out what it is.

    Superior Drummer 3.1.7 EZBass 1.0.5
    macOS Mojave 10.14.5
    Logic 10.5.1

    Peter S Paznokas

    Ditto these sentiments:

    We only work from the grid editor and it’s a drag to constantly have to refer to a translation chart.



    Second post I found here asking for this. This here is even older than the other one from 2020. I am really a little bit confused now about the missing ability to correctly extend a drum set with named parts in such an expensive product usefully. Seriously?


    To rename instrument 1 you need to edit the present in which you added the instrument with a notepad and rename it there. It works


    +1 for this proposed feature.

    I’ve tried busasia’s suggestion of renaming the instrument by amending the preset with a text editor.  I cannot see any change.  Perhaps I’m not looking in the right place.  Other contributors have mentioned the grid editor.  I’ve never used that.  Here are the two places I can think of where I might expect the preset edit to cause a change.

    In the context menu for the added instrument, where it says Cymbal 1 in this example:Instrument-1-Properties

    And in the MIDI Mapping Keys list:Instrument-1-in-MIDI-Mapping-Keys

    When I edited the preset file, neither of these changed.  Perhaps my edit was wrong.  Here’s what I took to be the relevant section of the preset file, as at before my edit:

    instbox 14 "Instrument 1" {
    xpad 0 SL-SUPERIOR_DRUMMER_3 {
    pos "Cymbal1"

    And here’s the same section with my edit included:

    instbox 14 "Istambul CN" {
    xpad 0 SL-SUPERIOR_DRUMMER_3 {
    pos "IstambulCN"

    Line 1 looks like it might change the entry in the the MIDI Mapping Keys.  Line 3 looks like it might change the name in the added instrument’s context menu.  But neither edit had any effect that I could see.

    • This post was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by SimonORorke.

    I’ve tried busasia’s suggestion of renaming the instrument by amending the preset with a text editor. I cannot see any change. Perhaps I’m not looking in the right place. Other contributors have mentioned the grid editor. I’ve never used that.

    I cannot get it to work for the grid editor either.


    We are closing to the end of 2021 and still didn’t have any update on this topic. It is very annoying to have just names like Instrument 1 etc.

    I have added couple of extra cymbals and some other stuff to my kit and editing the stuff is a nightmare.

    I had to write down on a piece of paper what the “Instruments” actually are to keep track of what’s what….

    Billy 86

    Is there no way to rename an x-drum?
    I’ve added an additional snare, and I can’t for the life of me find a way to rename it from “Instrument 1”.

    • This topic was modified 8 months, 2 weeks ago by John.


    SD3, EZD, EZ Keys 1&2, EZ Bass. Win10, i9/9900, all SSDs, 64g RAM, Cakewalk, Studio One

    Lingua Franka

    Any developments with this?

    It’s over 3 years since I posted about this issue.

    • Renaming X-Drums
    • Reordering the drums in the grid editor so for example: additional toms can be grouped together in order of tuning.

    This really should have been implemented by now.

    X-Drums are essentially an afterthought in the grid editor, languishing pointlessly and unnamed at the bottom of the screen.




    Has there been any movement on this renaming deal?

    And along with that – how about being able to move mixer channels so like all the toms are together so when you add a tom you can not only rename it but move it to show it’s relation to the other toms?

    aka musicman691 on other forums
    Superior Drummer 3.3.7
    Death and Darkness 1.0.1
    PT 2021.6
    OSX 10.13.6
    3.46 GHz hex core 2012 MacPro 48 gig ram


    Super bummed to see that this was first brought up in 2018 and in July 2022 it still isn’t resolved. Renaming added instruments is fundamental for better workflow. Any update?


    Thanked by: drumjack52
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