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Renaming of Multiout Channel Transfer to Cubase Midi Channel

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  • Henrik

    You have to explain your request a little bit further here, since I’m not sure of what you are asking here 🙂 Do you want the audio to be automatically re-routed to Cubase so the mixer channel names in Superior Drummer 3 matches the channel names in Cubase?

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer

    Darkone Studio

    I mean, when i rename the Output 1/2 in SD3 to “Kick” i want to, that the Midi Channel in Cubase also will automaticly rename in Kick.


    Thanks for the clarification! That is not possible, because of how Cubase handles its plugins. Unfortunately – we can’t change things inside Cubase – track names or anything else.

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer

    Henry Pol

    Gonna dig up an older topic.
    I was searching for a way to rename the outputs as well.
    You can’t rename the outputs in the Active Output list, but you can rename the channels in Cubase: (Than best to save it as a template, or otherwise you have to do this over and over again for every new song/project….)

    • This post was modified 9 months, 1 week ago by Henry Pol.
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