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Register new product gives garbage in response

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  • TomSeri

    Hi, i need authorization file. The link doesn’t take me to the instructions


    Hi, i need authorization file. The link doesn’t take me to the instructions

    You don’t have any products registered to your Toontrack account. The first step is to register your product before authorization.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Max Verri

    Código de autorização


    hello, how can I get authorization code?



    hello, how can I get authorization code?

    For what product?

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    bro any help please for exdrummer 2 activation code my e mail LDLEE1981@GMAIL.COM  thanks 🙂


    bro any help please for ezdrummer 2 authorization code my e mail LDLEE1981@GMAIL.COM  thanks 🙂

    my serial no. is not working 🙁


    ADMIN EDIT: Please do not post serial numbers

    • The post has been modified 2 times, last modified 6 years, 2 months ago by John.

    Hi bellz,


    you need to register your serial to your Toontrack account before you try using it to Authorise.

    You can use the Toontrack Product Manager to register and Authorise.



    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    hello, how can I get authorization code?

    For what product?

    ezdrumer 2 bro.. 4T817-SFJFX-A12ZK-ZQ3C3-X here my key


    hello, how can I get authorization code?

    For what product?

    ezdrumer 2 bro.. 4T817-SFJFX-A12ZK-ZQ3C3-X here my key

    You don’t have EZdrummer 2 registered to your Toontrack account. I would start with registering it first.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Kurt Straughn

    I have repeatedly loaded Ezdrummer2 onto Reaper and get a screen that states “EZdrummer is not authorized to run on this computer!” The screen (with “LITE EDITION” in the upper corner, although I did not buy the Lite Edition) also states, “To authorize, please follow these instructions:

    1. Copy or writed down this Computer ID
    2. Locate your serial number (found on the back of your DVD-sleeve or inside your DVD-box)
    3.  Go to and follow the intructions. (which puts me here)
    4. Paste your authorization code here”

    Yet when I go to the Toontrack Product Manager I find that my computer IS authorized. I bought Ezdrummer through online download so I DO NOT HAVE A DVD-SLEEVE OR DVD-BOX to locate my serial number.

    1. Why is there a “Lite Edition” screen of any kind appearing when I am using an Ezdrummer2 product? That’s confusing.
    2. Why am I being asked to provide a serial number from a DVD-sleeve or box when I downloaded the product? That’s confusing.
    3. Which is what led me here (which may be a Reaper question, but I’m new to Reaper and Ezdrummer is not being intuitive so….is the problem Reaper or Ezdrummer?): Why do I see channel VUs showing my Ezdrummer midi file apparently playing, but there is no audio output or VU meter movement on the master output? I can’t find anything about why my channels do not default to the master output; could it be because Ezdrummer thinks it is not authorized on my computer? If so, why am I able to use Ezdrummer as a standalone and load midi from it to Reaper?





    @Stud Muffino:


    Please start a new thread in the proper place over at the registered users area:




    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Playboy Bryan

    Hi there, I bought the EZdrummer a while back from someone online. I have the serial number. But it seems like they registered the product to their account/email and now I, whom now legally own the product, cannot authorize because it has already been registered to another account. I really would like to use EZDRUMMER especially because I got it fair and square. Please let me know what to do – if you can make the product available to me again. Please get in touch with me as soon as possible because I am a musician who utilized this tool a LOT. Only recently, this necessity to authorize the product has come up. Again, I have the serial number – just let me know who to talk to officially at Toontrack, so I can get this working again.




    Hi there, I bought the EZdrummer a while back from someone online. I have the serial number. But it seems like they registered the product to their account/email and now I, whom now legally own the product, cannot authorize because it has already been registered to another account. I really would like to use EZDRUMMER especially because I got it fair and square. Please let me know what to do – if you can make the product available to me again. Please get in touch with me as soon as possible because I am a musician who utilized this tool a LOT. Only recently, this necessity to authorize the product has come up. Again, I have the serial number – just let me know who to talk to officially at Toontrack, so I can get this working again.


    The seller needed to contact Toontrack prior to the sale to set up a license transfer. See the FAQ below for more details.

    See if you can contact the seller, forward them the above FAQ, and have them contact Toontrack Support directly and set up the transfer.

    If the transfer was never set up, the seller could very well have ‘sold’ the licence to multiple people.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

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