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Recording EZ drummer in Pro Tools

EZdrummer Pre-sales
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  • Henrik

    Can you post the exact error message you get from ProTools? What version of ProTools are you using?

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer


    was this issue ever resolved? i have a similar situation, im using pro tools 10 and ezdrummer, and i’d like to record live, the meter on the stereo/inst track responds until i arm it (record), when i check the “input / pluin” ezdrummer is grey and non responsive.



    there is no issue with EZdrummer 2 and Pro Tools. It seems more like some kind of misunderstanding when operating.
    The behaviour you’re describing is what you generally would see working on an HD system with a Native plugin on an Audio Track when you record arm.

    Which exact version of Pro Tools are you using?
    On Mac or Windows?
    Which version number is reported in the EZdrummer 2 plugin interface?


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Hi all

    i have a serious issue here with pro tools hd 10 (tdm) and superior drummer 2

    i can record midi and midi works fine after rec BUT i have no audio when hitting the v drums pads in live situation.

    The strange thing is that in standalone mode i have audio when playing the v drum pads but not in pro tools.

    So till now i was used to open standalone mode and route the mac audio output into pro tools but this is really anoying as the mac audio out is generating lots of hum.

    anyone that could help me out to configure SD2 in pro tools in order to have real monitoring when playing ?

    please ?

    Michael Moran

    Hi can I get easy drummer2 to work in ProTools and the meter works when I hit follow host and plays along to the click track but I don’t know if I need to actually print it on the instrument track in ProTools because the meters read if so how do I paste it to the track or is it working and it will print when I bounce it when I use follow host hope people can understand this Any answer would help thank you

    Michael Moran

    If I ask the question in reply mode I’m sorry I am new to this and by the way I’m using a Mac with the newest ProTools trying to figure out if I need to do is have it follow host and I won’t need to drag it over to the track any help would be appreciated

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