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  • Whitten

    Audio output from your computer (soundcard or audio interface) to stereo line inputs on Tascam.

    Michael Drounette

    will that let me put the drum track onto one of the track faders on the tascam (just like if i was recording real drums with mics and stuff)
    and then add my other instruments?



    You know you only have two inputs at the most? Hardly the same as recording a multi mic’ed kit.
    But yeah, I guess you’ll be able to record to one or two tracks and control volume with the Tascam’s fader.

    I’m not exactly sure what you are trying to achieve, but you are limiting the options available from EZdrummer by recording to a mono or stereo track on a separate machine.
    As long as you know that, it’s fine.


    A lot of home recording has these sort of compromises though whitto.
    Sure when i read the post at first i thought same. it wont be multi miked and laid out as per a real drum session.

    Once your drum track is sounding good to you and your happy to commit it to tape,
    (Just like the ol beatles and motown early days) you can record all other tracks on your recorder and still have a basic way to bring down,up or mute your drum mix .
    No true separated fx this way except you can use EZY’s internal basic stuff depending on the EZX you use.
    If at a later point you find you want to change something in the drum track you can lay down a new take and just edit them into sync,if you know how.

    Hopefully one day you can get a Computerised multitrack DAW setup and not have to deal with these sort of workarounds/limations of the smaller recorders,there great(i had vs1680’s&2480’s) in the end nothing beats a real DAW setup.

    Chad Austin

    I know it’s been a few months on her but I thought I’d try asking this question anyway:

    is there a way, via sound card and audio interface (like M Audio’s Fast Track Ultra 8R), to output selected tracks from SD2.0 over to an external recorder, like a vs1880?

    For example, just bring over the BD, BD sub, SN, tom1, OH, OH, ambient, HH… to their own tracks?


    Chad Austin, Inc.
    Mac Pro || 2.7 GHz 12-core || 64 GB || 1TB SSD || Graphics: AMD FirePro D700 running dual Asus PA329 4k monitors
    Cubase 9 || UA Apollo twin Thunderbolt || UAD-2 Thunderbolt Satellite || Steinberg CC121 Control Surface
    SD 2 || SD 3 || Bob Rock SDX3 || SDX Allaire || SDX Avatar || Custom & Vintage || SDX Hit Factory || SDX Metal Machinery || SDX Music City


    Yes,definitely,how many?,that depends on your card.
    You need Ez as a Multi out instance not stereo , go into the mixer window and change the outputs under the faders to suit what you want .


    i have a followup question:

    how do i synch EZplayer to my TASCAM DP-01FX?

    i’ve got the MIDI out of the Tascam to a MIDI-USB converter into my laptop.
    i figured i would use MIDI clock from the Tascam to start/stop grooves in EZplayer/EZDrummer.
    this way i could keep tweaking the drum part as i come up with guitar/bass parts.

    thanks, kerry

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