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Great deals on software, sounds
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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*



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  • Whitten

    The answer is you buy things when you need them or want to use them.
    For example, I’ve been researching a particular video editing software for several months. On the 20th December the company announced a 50% one day sale.
    I didn’t click on their page that day and missed the offer.
    Now I could wait for another offer to come along (next Christmas?), but as it happens I would like to use the product this week, so I just bought it at full price.
    This is what most people do, they buy things at full price if they need them for some reason. Don’t need them, don’t buy them.


    You know Chris, I respect your opinion. I have bought pretty much all my ToonTrack stuff at full pop. And have done what you suggest as I buy when I need. But if you can’t see the prob with how this deal went down, then thats fine. I’m looking for some type of explanation as to why this deal went the way it did. It’s apparent that there will be no explanation forthcoming. It’s true that ToonTrack has no obligation to answer. Fair enough. It also changes my view on this company. Fair enough. But I reiterate, when a new ToonTrack deal comes along, under these auspices, I should wait until the better deal comes 15 days later. If it never comes, we both lose. And as J Lovette explained, ToonTrack could make this deal up to the people who have been supporting ToonTrack over the years. It’s no skin off their back as they are offering the deal currently. Or not. However, it totally changes my view. And I have no problem letting people know. I have turned tons of people onto ToonTrack. And will continue doing so–along with ToonTracks sales tactics.


    Yes nobody is forced to do anything but logic would have you believe your truly “Well invested” market be the real supporters.
    Soon the Growth market will grow wiser and abused and become un happy in this model.


    ORIGINAL: juicy

    Soon the Growth market will grow wiser and abused and become un happy in this model.



    I know a lot of (not all) retail outlets have a 30 day lowest price guarantee.If you buy something and then it goes on sale within 30 days of purchase,they will reimburse the balence.Guitar Center does this.
    Having said that,a lower price is not the same as a different promotion.It is not as if Jan. was 20% off and Feb. was 50% off. Feb.was a completely different deal.
    If they are going to start to have monthly promotional sales,then each month someone is going to be let down.
    I understand exactly what you are saying,but, they are a business and will never be able to accomodate everybody all the time.
    If you get to MacDonalds at 11:05 AM and not 11:00AM they won’t serve you breakfast.I know.
    Best to ya.

    2004 Fender American Stratocaster Marshall MG 250 Digitech GNX4 Guitar Workstation Novation Impuse 49 Scarlett 8i6 Presonus Eris 5 monitors Sonar X3 Pro Win7 HP 64 Gigabyte GA-B75M-D3H Intel i5 3470(3rd gen) 3.2GHz 16GB RAM (2)1TBHDD


    Jan and Feb were exactly the same deal except in Feb you can get the extra SDX for another $50.00. If the deals were not the same I wouldn’t have issue. But they are the same, only Feb is better. This isn’t about a percentage sale. And I stand by the fact that the people who upgraded to Superior in Jan should be entitled to get the extra SDX that is offered in Feb.


    I don’t want to get in the middle of this but the deals aren’t the same.

    Jan and Feb were exactly the same deal except in Feb you can get the extra SDX for another $50.00.

    Right, if they were the same, the February deal wouldn’t include the extra SDX for $50. They seem to be 2 different sales/deals. One was a sale just for the Crossgrade. The other sale includes the Crossgrade discount plus an extra SDX for $50. The Feb deal costs $50 more in the end. It’s not like the sale was ‘Buy the Crossgrade for the same price as Jan and get an SDX for FREE’. Is it a better deal in Feb? For sure.

    The bottom line is that no sale will be perfect for everyone. No matter what sale Toontrack (or any other company selling any product) run, there will be those that ‘just miss out’ or ‘bought the product for a higher price just weeks before’. It’s the nature of sales. Some Toontrack sales will be better than others.

    That’s all I’m gonna say on this. That’s my personal comments and doesn’t represent the Toontrack marketing department

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Thanx Scott. This thread has gone on long enuff. My final word on this, is that this second deal offered one month after the first deal, is a complete smack in the face to those who jumped on the first deal, and is a particular slap to those who are reasonably or heavily invested into ToonTrack products. I will for the last time remind everyone, these deals were NOT 6 months apart. They are one right after another.

    The way this was handled totally changes my opinion of the ToonTrack sales dept. I will not be quick to be interested in any future ToonTrack products and when I do need any other Drum software, I will spend much more time shopping as opposed to my traditional way of starting at ToonTrack. Do I still love ToonTrack products? YES Will I continue to expound the virtues of the Software to others? YES Will I tell them about how this deal went down and how certain longtime customers felt? ABSOLUTELY. And if no one at ToonTrack can understand why certain customers are yanked about this deal, then fair enough.

    I’ll leave it at that.

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