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Real time triggering of chords

EZkeys Pre-sales
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  • John



    you can always play chords on your keyboard and record this in your host while listening through the EZKeys plugin but if you are asking if EZKeys has a function that lets you build and assign chords to certain notes to one-shot trigger via pads or keys, the answer is no.




    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Thanked by: Mario Michetti
    Mario Michetti

    Thanks, that’s what I wanted to know. So here is a use case you may want to consider:

    1. I am not a keyboard player
    2. I have studied music theory and know my harmony
    3. I do not like quantized music
    4. I play drums, bass, guitar, timbales, congas and all the afro-cuban percussions
    5. I like to create songs without a click track for a more organic feel
    6. I like to create backing tracks by playing Superior Drummer (best drum vi in the world) along with the original song using my Roland electronic drum kit and recording my performance in Cubase.
    7. I repeat the process for all guitar parts





    The EZkeys software is optimised for being used to a track where the chord changes are placed on bars, or sub division of bars. This doesn’t mean that you have to have a static tempo though, you can have a tempo map in your DAW that follows the drum tempo (for example). When you enable Follow Host in EZkeys, it will follow the tempo changes of the DAW.

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer


    Thanked by: Mario Michetti
    Mario Michetti

    Thanks Henrik, I had thought of that but was a little intimidated at learning to create such tempo maps. I’ll give it a look and see how it goes. The other issue that needs to be resolved is to find some arpeggio patterns that can mimic what is called organ crawling because most of the keyboard parts I want to create are B3 organ parts.

    Thanks for the suggestions,



    Thanked by: Henrik

    If you want to record music to a DAW using non static tempo, Tempo Maps will be a huge help for you (regarding all instruments) so it’s worth to learn how it works 🙂

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer


    I had thought of that but was a little intimidated at learning to create such tempo maps. I’ll give it a look and see how it goes. The other issue that needs to be resolved is to find some arpeggio patterns that can mimic what is called organ crawling because most of the keyboard parts I want to create are B3 organ parts.

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