Re-Sizing Screens

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  • purcellsteve

    Personally, I’m going to deep six EZ Drummer 2 right now. I bought EZ Mix a couple of years ago, as well. Hopefully, this problem doesn’t exist there,. If it does, that’s gone too.

    I’ve been on an odyssey for several years, with extended interruptions, just to transition from recording to “traditional” platforms, ( Magnetic Tape, ADAT, Removable Cards, etc). I’ve finally made enough headway into the world of DAW, “in the box”, Twenty First Century technology to talk about music tech with Music Professionals the age of my kids without necessarily feeling like a total idiot. (When I ask advice from kids young enough to be my grandchildren, I remain prepared for, “Dude, what planet are you from?!”)

    Along the way, I heard several people speak well of EZ Drummer, so I bought.

    That said, having read through all 30 of the replies in this thread, and finding only ONE RESPONSE from a (possible, not verified) Toontrack representative, and that reply amounting to no more than a wheedling, smarmy, “gee whiz. we’d have to do some work or something….” Wow. That really exudes professionalism of the non-existent caliber!

    In Summary, it doesn’t matter how great your samples,  patterns, drum sets & options are. If your BUYER can’t see the screen, and you’ve not fixed the issue after all these years, then you have Ripped Off your BUYER!

    Let me just add to the above frustrated purchasers (“Really?!…Seriously….?!”, etc….)

    Bye, Bye.







    Not sure if this helps, but there is an option at least in Superior Drummer 2, “Allow Window to be Resized” (functions menu – top right) that fix the issue for me. Before this I wasn’t able to read anything on a 28″ 4K monitor.


    I have the same issue, but the EZKeys. I opened a ticket with support, and their offered solution was to change my monitors screen resolution instead.

    And I laughed so hard…


    EZkeys has been discontinued since the release of EZkeys 2 and is no longer being updated, so this will not be fixed.

    EZkeys 2 however is fully resizable.

    Rickard - Toontrack Music
    Make music - it´s EZ!


    response withdrawn…

    • This post was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by lovewave1111.
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