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Re: Recording With EZDrummer/Superior

Studio Corner
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  • Armageddon

    I may have answered my own question: I decided to re-record my mono kick, snare and hats as stereo files without tweaking any mic placement in EZDrummer/Superior. This way, I get the actual sound plus room tone as originally intended, without hard panning any mic placement. It’s a lot like recording the whole kit in one shot, which is what I suspect most of you do, except that I still have control over the individual drums’ volume, EQ and send. Unsurprisingly, the sound quality improved drastically.


    You can just bounce from Superior, rather than your DAW. Then you’ll have the mono and stereo files that you expect – and you import them back into the DAW as audio files.

    It’s easy – and it’s in the manual – check it out.

    John Braner
    and all the major streaming/download sites.
    Reaper 7 x64 (latest version), Windows 11 Pro 64 bit, AMD Ryzen 3950x, 32GB RAM, MSI MAG X570 Tomahawk Wifi mobo (not using wifi though), NVIDIA GEForce GT710 video card, MOTU Ultralite AVB audio interface


    As I said, I record in 32-bit float, rather than 24-bit, so I would have to convert the imported files. It also means more files than necessary — I’d have a mono direct file and various stereo ambience files to achieve pretty much the same results I’m getting by recording my snares, kicks and hats simply as stereo files, and I’m not the kind of track tweaker to want or need “Snare Top”/”Snare Bottom”/”Overhead Ambience”/etc. I definitely appreciate that about Superior, though! You can get as simple or as elaborate as you want.


    Can I just ask the purpose of needing the mono output are you specifically recording for broadcast mediums or something?

    Either way, upconverting from 24bit to 32bit only produces extra silence, there is no introduction of noise and the waveform isn’t degraded.

    Another quick question, it seems the industry HD format is 24bit /96khz, are you finding noticeable improvements with having the extra dynamic range at 32bit? as I hate to say it but for a majority of the time (for the moment) it still gets mixed down to 16bit.

    What material are you recording? I’m Curious to know more about this endeavour 🙂




    Also sidenote, might seem obvious, but there is less overhead on the CPU if the tracks are bounced, leaving more cycles to load specific plugins etc.




    ORIGINAL: Armageddon

    I may have answered my own question: I decided to re-record my mono kick, snare and hats as stereo files without tweaking any mic placement in EZDrummer/Superior. This way, I get the actual sound plus room tone as originally intended, without hard panning any mic placement. It’s a lot like recording the whole kit in one shot, which is what I suspect most of you do, except that I still have control over the individual drums’ volume, EQ and send. Unsurprisingly, the sound quality improved drastically.

    I’m doing my first mixdown in DP with sd2. I am bouncing each instrument to it’s own track one at a time (!!!). Is there a way to bounce them all at once in DP? I tried to bounce them within the superior drummer plug-in with no results yet (pressed bounce and nothing happened – I’m sure it’s a setting I’m overlooking somewhere).

    byron spears


    Please check the latest S2 manual, section 6 OFFLINE BOUNCING for the proper procedure for using the bounce feature in S2. Pressing the ‘Bounce’ button is the last step.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

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