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Re-installing EZkeys

Product Manager
  • Terry Collier

    After moving sound files to a bigger SSD, I can browse to the new location to use EZkeys, but I have to do this every time, as the programs don’t recall their location.

    So I assume that I’ll have to reinstall. So I should manually delete the old download to clear the current message on Download Manager “Install” I understand that I have to uninstall the current version, but you can’t do that until you download a fresh version to get the uninstall option. So I should manually delete the old download zip file to clear the current message on Download Manager “Install”?

    Install recognizes the current install, but can’t repair itself. After running Install, it just gotta back to the red Install button. The core midi and sound library are missing.

    Operating system: Windows 10
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  • Terry Collier

    I found a workaround. I wouldn’t have disk management and rename the disc to the previous drive letter.

    But I have a new problem now with EZBass. I had to uninstall it. I have version 1.0.9 installed now. Sound library and the MIDI are version 1.0.6 and they won’t upgrade to 1.0.8 because, and I quote: ” software update is required. You need to update easy base to the latest version before you can install this library update.” I get the same error message when I try to update the MIDI core.


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