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re importing midi daw to ez 2 created in ez 2

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  • John


    please elaborate.
    Which DAW are you using?
    Do you have ‘Follow Host’ Enabled?
    Are you making a selection on your DAW Timeline? Or is it in EZdrummer 2 or both?

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    nigel smith

    tried again seemed to work i then went and cut up the song with scissor tool and colour coded song but now am confused should i delete the midi blocks in the daw that were dragged from ez 2 when creating song and just leave ez 2 in follow host with the reimported midi blocks . if left would you get doubled trigger info to the sound engine and could this be why you get 32 bit warning to many i think the warning calls them drum instances . or can you leave both with follow host switched off , using logic 9 gband11 605 . thanks


    If you have MIDI both on EZdrummer 2 song track and in your DAW you can either delete the MIDI in EZdrummer 2 (or in your host) to avoid double MIDI being triggered. But most of the times it’s easiest just to unable Follow Host (the button next to the tempo, beneath the song track).

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer

    nigel smith

    thanks now i have a new problem the add percussion just seems to want 4/4 beats on the 3/4 patterns any thoughts thanks


    Are you adding e.g. Tambourine in Edit Play Style with a 3/4 Song Track and 3/4 Pattern?
    Seems to work here as intended but please tell us which pattern(s) you use and which Time signature you have on the Song Track.

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    nigel smith

    to be honest i am getting so many weird glitches and missing / added beats i have givien up on your editor .still a great fan of the basic original there is so much essence in the sounds and volume/velocity with ez 1 that ez 2 can’t do its just gated up in a db drop with no headroom

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