I posted this initially in the Support section but I think that’s mainly installation/program issues, so mods– please delete that thread and keep this one. Thank you!
Hey guys, I haven’t used Superior in god, like a year and a half (been a little busy with work) but I was wondering if any of you have luck with getting quieter crash articulations… using sticks. I only have the default Avatar kit, and I love it as it’s very versatile… but sometimes I’m just looking for those quieter hits. I set my module’s sensitivity to minimum and they still just blast me out when I hit them even lightly.
Do the other expansion packs offer quieter crash hits? Or should I add some x-drums and use the brush articulations?
Or, should I just knock the volume of each crash way down?
Here’s my setup:
Roland TD-3 brain/module
acoustic shells with mesh heads, triggered by ddrum Redshots (kick, tom, floor)
Roland PD-120 snare pad
Roland CY-8s for all crashes and ride
Roland VH-11 for hi-hat
I appreciate any and all help. I’d consider myself experienced with Superior 2.0, but also a noob. 🙂