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Quick song sample – Trying out SD3 – Archetype

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  • Bear-Faced Cow

    All I could hear really is drums and that sampled voice over top (which sounded annoyingly out of place, distracting my ear). Both overpowering the song. Everything else just sounded too muddy on all my speakers, and couldn’t really be distinguished. Guitar and bass need to be separated with some EQ and perhaps dial back a bit of the distortion.


    Jordan L. Chilcott

    Web Site:


    I know it’s really muddy. I’m learning…  before I could dial it in and mix, some plugins crashed my daw and I lost everything… I’m trying to get it back. I just ran the bounce through ezmix to get some dynamics… etc… back but… nada. I’ll retract it.

    Bear-Faced Cow

    EZMix Is good for those quick settings, but it might be best to go with your ear on this one. Hi pass the guitar a bit. You don’t need all of that woof  in it. Also might not hurt to bring out a bit of mid range it might also help to separate the bass guitar in order to bring out the attack.


    Jordan L. Chilcott

    Web Site:


    Thanked by: ChadwickDunderc0ck
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