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question about the ssd hard disk

Superior Drummer 3 Pre-sales
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  • Olof Westman
    Forum Crew

    It is an external USB drive. You would need a USB port, preferably USB3.
    As far as I can tell from that URL your motherboard has only USB2.
    That will work but there won’t be much of a point in having an SSD
    since the USB2 port will work at a lower speed better matching
    a traditional hard drive.

    Olof Westman - Toontrack


    Thank’s Olle for the quick reply !
    Do you think that a hard disk sata internal will be better that a usb 3 drive ?
    if the speed it’s like a sata port i will buy it , because i don’t play Edrums and i use only the cache mode for the playback .

    Olof Westman
    Forum Crew

    The “CORE SOUND LIBRARY HARD DRIVE” is available mainly because
    the core library is so large that some people may find it impractical to
    download over the internet. I.e. it a is a means of delivering the sounds.
    We also chose to make it a USB3 SSD drive so that it can just be
    plugged in and then used at high performance.

    If you don’t think downloading 230GBs will be a problem and don’t
    have a USB3 port on your computer, so that you can utilize the
    performance of the SSD, then you probably shouldn’t buy this drive
    from us.

    A traditional internal sata hard drive would probably be twice as fast
    as an SSD on a USB2 port. USB3 is 10 times faster than USB2.

    Olof Westman - Toontrack


    Thank’s a lot Olle
    I have a very bad internet connection … But with a lot of patience … Laugh
    Thank’s again Olle .

    Olof Westman
    Forum Crew

    Well, one out of two, right? If you do have a download issue
    then you can certainly buy the drive, install from it and then
    don’t use it again. Sell it on ebay, perhaps.

    Olof Westman - Toontrack


    I found the solution !
    This card :
    Thank’s again Olle

    Olof Westman
    Forum Crew

    Ah, yes, that would do it. I might need to get something like
    that myself to get my Oculus Rift to work, should I ever
    decide to agree with their privacy policy.

    Olof Westman - Toontrack


    And now I look forward to the”beast” to try it on my new songs


    hey, new here, just for clarification, if i dont have the space to download sd3 on my macbook pro, getting the SSD will allow me to run it with just the hard drive plugged in via USB? so it wont actually download 230 gb to my laptop? i really want sd3 when it drops but im not sure if I will be able to use it due to that fact, hopefully the SSD is what i’m thinking it will be.


    Correct, by purchasing the SSD option you save yourself a) the internet data usage and b) current disk capacity for the samples as you are essentially adding another SSD to your system with those samples already installed. Hope this helps

    Mac Studio M1 Max, RAM 64 GB, 1TB Drive, OSX 12.x/13.x and Windows 10 (VM)
    DAW: Studio One Pro, Pro Tools Studio
    DTX Express III (Extreme triggers), Nektar LX88
    OWC Thunderbay Mini (4 X 1TB Sata SSD), Express 4M2 (4 X 2TB M.2 SSD), Envoy Express (1TB M.2 SSD)
    Presonus Quantum, Faderport & Faderport 8
    Black Lion Sparrow Mk2 A/D, FMR-RNP-RNC, MIDI Xpress 128, BM5A, KRK VXT4, Equator D5
    2020 Macbook Pro 16GB RAM, 512GB SSD Audio(mobile rig)


    I am getting the recovery issue in my hard disk and also getting the error code 1001 in my system. I also try on system error 1001 for the help purpose but did not get any response.



    could you post a screen shot of the error?

    When does it happen?

    Can you access the data on it?

    Which OS version are you on?




    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Robin Gardner


    I just bought Superior Drummer 3 + the SSD disk, but without checking if its external… Lol! Rookie mistake! I really dont wanna dig into the computer adding internal stuff but will do if I have too… So, nice to know now (from this thread!) that it actually runs like an external hard disk through USB 3 (which I have on my newly bought Win10 Acer-computer).

    Also compared Superior Drummer 3 to Superior Drummer 2 (which I have since a few Years back along with EZDrummer 2) and it’s a huge step up in every possible way as it seems! Cool! Looking really forward now to try out the new Superior Drummer 3 (in Cubase 10 Pro)! The sounds are more realistic right, like also the tuning of the drums and such are more realistic now?

    Also cool to know that you can add more USB 3-ports via buying an extra hardware and install on the computer, I might do that since I Always need more USB-ports (especially this computer only has 2 “USB 3-ports” but I think like up to 8 “USB 2-ports”).

    //Best regards from Robin Gardner.


    Thanked by: Henrik
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