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question about mastering 2 plug in before buying

Studio Corner
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  • Scott

    Usually mastering plugins go on the master track in Reaper.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Hi Zakk,

    I use REAPER too and these videos are a great help…This first video shows ezmix towards the end of the tutorial….

    Hope these make some more sense to you!!

    I LOVE EZMIX…. as a producer who has to get numerous songs together every week it is my go to plug for 90- 95% of everything I’m using….It quickly gets the sounds I have in me head on “tape” then I can use all their sculpting tools to get THAT sound I need for whatever style I’m writing!!


    Also this is a good Tutorial of how to insert EZMIX for different instruments…

    Pay attention to what track is open and how he is using the plugin…Capture.JPG


    thanx guys:)! i check it all and if i have any questions i will contact you shortly:)

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