Put EZdrummer VST in cubase

Studio Corner
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  • Jérémy Lechenne

    No one know what can I do ?Confused

    Scott Eshleman
    Janez Dolinar

    I would like to buy your product EZdrummer 2 and I was wondering if works on Cubase 5 (crack version)?
    I tried the demo version EZdrummer 2 and I’m excited about the program. But I have the same problem as “Jeremiah 11”. Standalone work perfectly, but I do it in Cubase refuses to recognize. Tried 32bit and 64bit version and nothing … Is this possible because I have Cubase 5 crack version? I also apologize for my broken English 🙂


    @Viking_3 said:
    I would like to buy your product EZdrummer 2 and I was wondering if works on Cubase 5 (crack version)?
    I tried the demo version EZdrummer 2 and I’m excited about the program. But I have the same problem as “Jeremiah 11”. Standalone work perfectly, but I do it in Cubase refuses to recognize. Tried 32bit and 64bit version and nothing … Is this possible because I have Cubase 5 crack version? I also apologize for my broken English 🙂  

    Buy your software and you will likely get tech support. Use cracks…you’re on your own.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Janez Dolinar

    Ok now I bought the software Cubase and amazing, I have the same problem !!! Can I get help now ???

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