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purchased ez drummer 2 but can’t get midi keyboard to control

E-drum Workshop
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  • Brad

    When running EZDrummer 2 standalone App; Settings > Audio/MIDI > MIDI Device (Select your MIDI Controller/keyboard)

    Mac Studio M1 Max, RAM 64 GB, 1TB Drive, OSX 12.x/13.x and Windows 10 (VM)
    DAW: Studio One Pro, Pro Tools Studio
    DTX Express III (Extreme triggers), Nektar LX88
    OWC Thunderbay Mini (4 X 1TB Sata SSD), Express 4M2 (4 X 2TB M.2 SSD), Envoy Express (1TB M.2 SSD)
    Presonus Quantum, Faderport & Faderport 8
    Black Lion Sparrow Mk2 A/D, FMR-RNP-RNC, MIDI Xpress 128, BM5A, KRK VXT4, Equator D5
    2020 Macbook Pro 16GB RAM, 512GB SSD Audio(mobile rig)


    Thanked by: DanJames66
    Tom Martini

    What happens when you select the midi input hardware but still nothing? Is there a Windows setting that controls midi? My Akai pads will not work with any TT product for some reason even though its selected in the choices in Stand alone SD3 or EZD2

    Windows 11
    Dell XPS 8940
    32GB ram i9-10 Core
    Focusrite 18i20 Scarlett +
    Focusrite Octo Pre MK II for 36 channels in
    Protools Studio / Studio One 6.5 Artist


    I’m having the same issue with a new Akai LPD8 controller.  Anyone have a solution?

    Melissa Davies

    I’m having the same issue with a new Akai LPD8 controller.  Anyone have a solution?

    If the MIDI drivers are correctly installed, the Akai should be showing up as a MIDI device.
    If it isn’t – then something has gone wrong. So I suggest you uninstall the drive first, then download the latest version from Akai again & re-install.

    Marcel Duchaine

    I can’t find the audio midi in EZ settings? see attached file.Duch.

    Sorry I found it on the tab and everything works fine.Amazing software.

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