Being Scottish, I am always on the lookout for a...
Being Scottish, I am always on the lookout for a bargain have EZDrummer for sale for an amazing £74.99. My assumption is, and I hope I’m right, is that if I buy from Studiocare between now and the start of May that I will be eligible for the free upgrade to EZDrummer2. This would not only be cheaper but also give me the Pop/Rock libraries as well Can someone please confirm as it is not totally clear from the forums/FAQ.[8|] Want EZDrummer2 for my birthday in May or may end up with socks…………………again
Being Scottish, I am always on the lookout for a bargain have EZDrummer for sale for an amazing £74.99. My assumption is, and I hope I’m right, is that if I buy from Studiocare between now and the start of May that I will be eligible for the free upgrade to EZDrummer2. This would not only be cheaper but also give me the Pop/Rock libraries as well Can someone please confirm as it is not totally clear from the forums/FAQ.[8|] Want EZDrummer2 for my birthday in May or may end up with socks…………………again
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