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Product request: Direct triggering from audio tracks

Requests and Feedback
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  • Barth

    I agree!!

    I use Trigger and it saves me lots of time.
    I’ll buy SD if you guys realize this!
    This is the reason why Andy Sneap uses Trigger, not for het sound!!

    So, Please please Direct triggering from audio tracks!

    Thankx in advance!!

    Oli Poulsen

    Get the Massey DRT…it’s just perfect and takes no time.

    And it’s only $ 69

    Pro Tools 10 HD3 MacPro Quad 2.66 OSX 6.8 DTXtreme III special All S2.0 packs iMac 27 3.4 i7 OSX 8.2 Pro Tools 10 HD


    Thankx Oli.

    Ít would save a lot of time.
    I will dl the demo!


    I’v tried the Massey DRT demo.
    It is not real time but….it is fast as lightning!!

    Mark Williams

    Yes, but it only works in ProTools.

    MBP 2.4 GHz | 4GB RAM | OSX 10.6.8 Logic Pro 9.1.5 | Metric Halo LIO-8/4P | Apogee ONE SD 2.3.0 | EZP 1.1.0 | Drumtracker 1.0.2

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