Product Request: “Dead Drums” SDX Library

Requests and Feedback
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  • Andrew Payne

    Rooms of Hansa Vocal Booth is one that comes to mind

    Dell Precision 7730, i7 6 Core 2.6 GHz, 128GB RAM, 1TB SSD and 3 x 2TB SSD, Cubase Pro 13, SD3 plus a variety of SDX's and EZX's, Orchestral Percussion, EZBASS, RME BabyFace Pro FS and KRK V4 monitors. Modified Yamaha DTX900, DTXPRESS4 and Edrumin10 triggering SD3. Yamaha pads/cymbals and Roland VH-10 HiHat.

    David Witte

    Thanks for the tip.  Not spending 179 for one dry kit.  Was suggesting Toontrack release sdx expansion with nothing but super dead drums.  Not only drums in iso booths or tight rooms, but also some with special preparation, such as towels on skins.

Viewing 2 replies - 1 through 2 (of 2 total)

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