Problem with core midi pack error message

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  • John


    Could you first please try to create a folder named ‘EZDrummer’ in {Mac HD}/Library/Application Support?

    If there is a folder there already, just leave  it as it is.

    Next, please edit the path in SD3 (Settings > Libraries/Paths) for ‘Additional Libraries’ to ‘/Library/Application Support/EZDrummer’.

    Close and reopen SD3 to check that the path “sticks”.

    Now open the PM and try to install the MIDI pack.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Thanked by: josevb
    Richard Thomas

    Having exactly he same problem.

    any help?

    Operating system: Windows 8.1

    Same problem here!!!!!


    Operating system: OS X El Capitan (10.11)

    I faced the same issue, still facing that, no solution yet.


    I faced the same issue, still facing that, no solution yet.

    I don’t see any products registered to your account. Can you give us some details on your system and if you’ve tried John’s solution above?

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor



    Operating system: macOS Mojave (10.14)

    I have SD3, and using the Program Manager application to install.  The SD3 download installs without a problem.  The separate installable, Basic Sound Library, Core MIDI pack, goes through the process of installing, and the installer reports that the installation was successful.  However, the status of the Core MIDI portion of the pack still has the “Install” button enabled, as if it were not installed, after all.

    Is this a problem that is known?

    Thanks very much, Darryl


    I have SD3, and using the Program Manager application to install.  The SD3 download installs without a problem.  The separate installable, Basic Sound Library, Core MIDI pack, goes through the process of installing, and the installer reports that the installation was successful.  However, the status of the Core MIDI portion of the pack still has the “Install” button enabled, as if it were not installed, after all.

    Is this a problem that is known?

    Thanks very much, Darryl

    It shouldn’t normally happen. Go to Settings > Libraries/Paths in SD3 and check the “Additional Libraries” path near the bottom. Changing it should fix it. The MIDI installer defaults to “/Library/Application Support/EZDrummer” (Macintosh HD > Library > Application Support > EZDrummer), so if you change the path to that, you probably won’t even need to re-run the installer.

    Olof Hermansson - Toontrack


    Thanks for the reply!  No, it’s not that the libraries aren’t being found.  The Settings/Libraries/Paths shows no errors, and libraries are found where I installed them (C\:Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Toontrack\EZDrummer)  I can click, with the mouse, on drums on the SD3 graphical virtual drum set, and they sound great.  My problem is that I have the Roland HPD-20 connected correctly (the MIDI Monitor in SO5 populates as the HPD-20 is played, on Channel 1), and the SD3 is set up correctly, listening on “Any” channel.  Still SD3 receives no MIDI commands, and doesn’t sound.  So, how do I connect them?  I’ve attached a screenshot showing the track and its parameters, the MIDI Monitor receiving commands from the HPD-20.  And the SD3 interface open.

    Operating system: Windows 10

    Not sure, maybe this helps:

    Olof Hermansson - Toontrack


    Hi, Olof.  Yes, I’ve tried adding it as an instrument, then read where it was instructed to have the H-D-20 added as a keyboard, and I did that.  They gave no specific reason for doing it, and I didn’t see any different facilities doing it that way, after doing it.  God, I’d love some specifics and details. As well as a description of how SO5 processes MIDI between instruments and sound libraries (or other plug-ins) in detail, so I have a clue as how to arrange and fix things myself.  But all I can find from Toontracks and Presonus are snippets of info.  I’d settle for a snippet if it worked.  Maybe it’d be a clue to how it all works…

    Thanks very much, Darryl

    Operating system: Windows 10

    If you press record in Studio One, does the MIDI from the e-kit get recorded to the Studio One track?

    In Studio One preferences > External Devices, click Edit for your device and take a screenshot of that dialog, please.

    Olof Hermansson - Toontrack


    Hello!  When I have the HPD-20 as the input for a track, by dragging the instrument from the list of install external instruments, yes, the hits on the HPD-20 do show up in the track’s recording.  No sound, however, since it’s not associated with a sound library.  Instead of dragging the HPD-20 to the grid and creating a new track for it, from the instructions for SO5, I’m to drag Superior Drummer from the external instrument list, and automatically create the track and channels.  But the HPD-20 doesn’t show up as an input for the track.  However, I have the HPD-20 sending MIDI on the same channel that Superior Drummer is configured to listen.  I’m using MIDI channel 1.

    Here’s the screenshot you requested: Screenshot-2021-09-03-110910

    Operating system: Windows 10
    • This post was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by tonosity.

    In the screenshot you have an “Instrument” device. Click “Add…” and select “New Keyboard”. Set “Receive From” to “HPD-20” and click OK (and remove the old Instrument device).

    Olof Hermansson - Toontrack

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