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Problem installing Cocktail EZX from EZDrummer Lite package – Mac OS 10.8.5

EZdrummer Pre-sales
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  • John


    just downloaded the EZdrummer Lite dmg and tried to run it on Yosemite, which worked, so it shouldn’t be a OS incompatible thing.
    Is it possible for you to try to download it on another computer and run it? You do not need to actually install it but see that it opens.

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Thanked by: John E Marler
    John E Marler

    Hi John. Thanks for the quick reply.

    I downloaded the disk image onto another computer, then opened it on my MacBook Pro (MBP) and ran the EZX Cocktail Installer. It worked!

    I don’t understand why my MBP had trouble with the download, but in any case I’m grateful for the help! Cheers.

    SPH Rebers

    I also have a problem installing Cocktail. I run OSX Yosemite and when trying to install from the DVD it said I had to “upgrade” to 10.4 or higher. It said the same thing for EZ drummer but for that I found the download-file on this site and was able to install this successfully, but I cannot find a download-file for Cocktail.
    Is there such a file available ?


    there should be a separate installer for it under the ‘Updates’ tab, if you click your ‘EZdrummer’ product in your Toontrack account.

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

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