I’m hoping someone has an answer for me because I am at a loss and Google does not seem to help.
I just purchased Superior Drummer 2.0 this week and am wanting to create my own drum tracks by manually entering midi notes. I was under the impression that SD2.0 had this feature but I guess it does not and now I am a little upset I spent all this money on it.
Is there another program that I need to link up with SD2.0 in order to do this? If so, how do I link it up?
What I was doing before was using “TabIt” and making my midi’s that way. This way works, but it is a huge pain in the ass, plus it is just midi sounds which I can only playback by itself. I want to be able to hear the real drum sounds in real time along side of any guitar tracks so I can figure out the best drum tracks for the songs.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you very much in advance.