Pro Tools + EX Drummer 2 – “n/a because Possible Feedback Loop detected” = no recording

Studio Corner
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  • Henrik

    Do you have MIDI out enabled? If so – does disabling MIDI out from the main menu help?
    Do you have an audio setup that can create an audio loop?

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer



    the greyed out line just indicates that you can not use the EZdrummer MIDI Output as MIDI Input for your track, since this would cause a MIDI feedback loop.
    It’s the same with all instruments that have a MIDI Out port.
    Are you trying to record from the EZdrummer MIDI Browser or Song Track to the Instrument Track? If so, that is not how it is working.
    Drag MIDI from the Browser to your Instrument Track or the EZdrummer Song Track. If you drag to the Instrument Track you can edit the MIDI in Pro Tools.
    If you drag it to your Song Track, you can use Edit Play Style and arrange your MIDI. Then you can choose if you want to drag-and-drop your MIDI from the Song Track kto your Pro Tools Track or have ‘Follow host’ enabled and run the Song Track in sync with the Pro Tools Timeline.

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

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