The price for the EZdrummer 2 upgrade on is 99 US Dollars and 79 Euro’s. The issue you were experiencing was a problem with the new website and it has since been resolved. Sorry for the confusion.
Michael Sanfilipp - Toontrack
Technical Marketing Coordinator
Hi! This issue, apparently, has resurfaced, at least as of this writing, as I had also tried the “regular” upgrade (ezdrummer 1 to 2), which supposedly costs 79 €, but keep getting $99 in the page where there is a “Place your order” button. I have tried going through the order twice but keep getting the same $99 total and so I keep exiting. I hope you can advise me regarding how this can be resolved. Thank you very much.
UPDATE (31 May 2015): After trying a 3rd (or 4th) time, I was able to proceed with checkout with the desired currency (€).
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