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Presonus Studio One 2 and EZDrummer

Studio Corner
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  • John

    If you have set the H/W Buffer lower than 128, the CPU consumption is raised significantly and especially if you select a Combined Preset with a lot of FX in the mixer.
    This might be it. Or a combination with having ‘Cached’ enabled. This will cause the samples to load when “called” upon, which can cause crackles and stutter before they’re loaded.

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Okay this is easily searched in google, as this is normally basic audio setup details.

    Spiro, what latency are you running, and what did you do to “solve” the issue?

    Juicy, it’s highly unlikely it’s a firewire port issue unless the port has actually started to show specific signs of age etc, i.e. disconnecting, not picking up the audio interface and general stability issues. This behaviour is not symptomatic of the need for a new firewire card.

    I would very much say this is a classic example of what our drummer suffers from, and that is perceived latency. The chances are if you’re running latencies below say 3-4ms then you’ll probably noticing the latency disappearing and making it more playable however being replaced by cracks and pops, if you check your performance meter in your DAW or in the task manager, you’ll see this is more of  FSB/CPU load issue or a background service (indexing, firewalls, malware scanners etc) that’s interrupting the audio path.

    Don’t just buy hardware until you’re sure it’s not a config problem…

    Also how many processes is windows running? On our vista/win7 workstations we have about 32 max processes, on our old xp machines we tend to have around 25-27 – but these are all off the net permanently, so no need for anything except basic networking access. The last laptop one of my students brought to me had something like 60-70 processes all hogging valuable resource.




    Hope you all had a Great New Year!!!

    VOLiTiAN, the issue was solved from some error on my half. I actually hadn’t chosen my Asio Device in toontrack solo! lol. Mistakes happen….

    I’ve tried closing all programs running in the background of Windows, and still get the same result. Sometimes it can go with no crack for afew mins, and then it’ll appear.

    I’m running my Presonus FireStudio at Sample Rate 44.1KHz and tested with Buffer Size set to 64/128 or 256.

    I’m quite new to all this, so trying to learn as I go…. Even though I’ve got ToonTrack solo working with my E-Drums, I’m still at loss of how I can get toontrack as a plugin on StudioOne2. I need help with this too! 🙁


    Hi I bought the studio one software.I downloaded the EZ drumer Lite from the presonus site, it offers the ezdrummer.
    But i dont have the serial number to use it in the studio one
    How can I get the serial or where I can found it


    See this thread at the Presonus forum

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

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