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Presonus Studio One 2 and EZDrummer

Studio Corner
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  • John


    please fill in your system details in your profile and/or signature.
    Make sure you have got the latest version of EZdrummer and Toontrack solo downloaded and installed.
    Then set things up in Toontrack solo first, selecting your MIDI and Audio device in the Preferences and also the ‘E-drums’ controller type.

    When you know your setup works, you can move on to loading EZdrummer as a plugin in Studio One 2.
    Note that EZdrummer is only supporting E-drums in Toontrack solo. You will not get the same performance in any other host. Most notably, your hihat response will suffer. If using Studio One 2 is a must, you might consider upgrading to Superior 2.

    Best Regards,

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    I have just upgraded to Superior Drummer 2, and also installed Toontrack solo.

    When I load toontrack solo, I’m choosing my audio device as well as my midi device unit – E-Drums.
    I’m not getting any response?. When I try controlf rom the E-drums, nothing gets through.



    So, I updated Superior Drummer 2 to 2.2.3 and downlaoded the latest version of ToonTrack solo.

    Everything seems to be working now and I managed to get my E-Drums to work with Superior Drummer 2.

    There is however a delay when I play the E-Drums. It’s probably a few miliseconds before it responds on the program.

    Is this normal? or is there a way to fix this problem?

    I’ve seen some youtube videos of people using their E-Drums with Superior Drummer 2, and there doesn’t seem to be a delay at all when playing.

    My equipment I use is;

    Presonus FireStudio Project (also used to connect midi- Firewire interface
    Roland V-Drums
    Windows 7 OS System


    Shoud be a setting in >your daw< for Audio Prefs thats shows Audio Buffer size,lower that to 64 or 128 when your playing.
    If your mixing a big project you may get droputs at this lower setting so you can just raise it back to a higher setting.


    On firewire, there’s 2x buffers on some systems, the overall ASIO buffer, often referred to as the system latency, however with firewire products there’s sometimes a separate firewire controller buffer aswell, it’s the latter that needs to be reduced for improved MIDI playback and interaction.

    Also there is a later version of superior, but you already knew that right?

    And i’ve just seen something I missed.

    OS – Win 7…..

    You know that firewire pretty much fails on Win7 right? Micro$oft are dropping support entirely for that interface, we couldn’t get out hardware to work at all until we switch to legacy drivers and naturally we only got half the functionality and zero stability.


    I see.

    The firewire on my system seems to be working? I don’t get drop outs or anything so far….

    Although, I did try setting the buffer on my presonus to 64/128, and also the latency on ToonTrack Solo 64/128 and I still get a delay when hitting the E-drums.

    Is there something else I need to do?

    My E-drums are the Roland HD-1.


    My PC has an onboard Firewire, could this also be an issue with the latency?

    I’m willing to buy a PCI Firewire card if need be, but how can I be sure I will get better results.


    Also, I should mention my PC Specs;

    Core 2 Quad 2.83GHz
    6GB Ram
    64-bit OS


    Do you have any other plugins present in the Project?
    How many milliseconds are we talking about? IIRC, having a buffer of 128 samples @ 44,1kHz makes an I/O roundtrip of about 6-7 ms, excluding hardware.
    Did you turn LOCAL=OFF in your Roland module?


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    No other plugins… Just running S2.0 in Toontrack Solo on its own. I dont even have other programs opened etc.

    Its a smal small delay – but you can notice, and it also puts you off beat when trying to play the E-drums. ( may take a video to show you guys how much of a delay there is)

    This roland kit, doesnt allow me to turn Local=Off??


    Ok… so after hours of trial and error… I found out what was causing the latency, and finally fixed it!!!! lol…

    Although… NOW… I seem to have another problem. lol.

    How come sometimes when playing… it could sound perfectly normal… then all of a sudden you start hearing cracks and pops?

    I’ve got 6GB of ram, so that should be enough to run the samples perfect right?

    Each time I load a ‘preset’ or change around some of the drum kit on ToonTrack, sometimes the samples come out all crackly.

    I do Clear the memory and then Load again, and sometimes it works, and then it’ll happen again. Even trying 16-bit, it occurs sometimes.
    I have been lucky, and didn’t get a crackle for about 15 mins one time… which sounded and worked perfect.

    Is there anything I can change for this not to occur?

    Again, could it perhaps be my onboard firewire ? would it be suitable better to purchase a good firewire PCI card?


    Highly Likely.


    what part?


    Dedicated Firewre PCi Card ,Sorry im still full of Hospital Drugs.


    heh! fair enough.

    So any idea what could possibly be cuasing the crack/pop noises?

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